Trees and powerlines

We work every day to keep vegetation away from powerlines to prevent wildfires and ensure reliable power

Keeping trees away from powerlines

We inspect approximately 100,000 miles of overhead powerlines annually. Based on our inspections, we prune or cut down more than one million trees each year that are too close to a powerline and may cause a wildfire or power outage. We also perform additional inspections and tree work in areas at a high fire risk. Through these efforts, we are not only meeting, but exceeding state standards to keep our communities safe.


We inspect all trees and shrubs near powerlines to ensure we are only addressing those that pose a safety concern. High fire-threat locations are inspected more than once a year to ensure trees are a safe distance from the lines.


Every year, we are:

  • Pruning trees to meet or exceed state vegetation and fire safety standards.
  • Cutting down dead or dying trees.
  • Pruning or cutting down trees so crews can install stronger, more resilient equipment.
  • Performing extra safety work in high fire-threat areas to address vegetation near electric poles and powerlines.


We are continually updating and improving our vegetation practices to reduce wildfires. In addition to our annual tree work, in high fire-threat areas, we are:

  • Utilizing our latest wildfire risk model to identify trees that may cause a power outage or start a fire.
  • Pruning and cutting down trees in areas that historically experienced a high volume of tree-related outages.
  • Using trained and certified arborists to determine which trees near powerlines need to be cut down for safety.

This work is performed by our highly-trained team that includes professionals who hold credentials from the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA). ISA is a non-profit organization that promotes the professional practice of arboriculture throughout the world. Through their industry-recognized credential process, our workforce includes Certified Arborists, Certified Tree Climbers, Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (TRAQ) Inspectors and more.


You can reduce future pruning and promote safety by planting the right tree in the right place.


Download the Pole Clearing Fact Sheet (PDF)

Download the Routine Safety Fact Sheet (PDF)

Download the Marking Trees for Safety Work Fact Sheet (PDF)

Understanding utility lines

Tree work near distribution & transmission lines

Tree work near distribution lines

who owns utility lines


We work to maintain the following minimum clearances around distribution lines:

  • 18 inches in non-high fire-threat areas.
  • 4 feet in High Fire-Threat Districts (HFTD)* with 12 feet recommended at the time of pruning to maintain the clearance year-round.

*As designated by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).


CPUC General Order 95

Tree work near transmission lines

To ensure a safe clearance around transmission lines, we follow the below criteria:

  • Wire Zone: Vegetation must not stand taller than 10 feet* when fully grown.
  • Border Zone: Trees must not stand taller than 15 feet when fully grown.
  • Outer Zone: All trees with the potential to fall into powerlines need to be cut down.

*Vegetation within the Wire Zone may not be appropriate in High Fire-Threat Districts.

Wire Zones around utility poles

Tree work near poles & towers

We work to keep the area around poles and towers clear of vegetation in areas where CAL FIRE handles fire suppression and prevention. This includes:

  • Removing vegetation in a 10-foot radius around the base of poles and towers.
  • Cutting grass and removing brush to at least 8 feet above the ground.


Powerline vegetation perimeter

What you can expect

We will call the property owner, conduct a site visit or leave a doorhanger at the property before conducting work. 


While work is underway

  • We will mark trees that require pruning or need to be cut down with paint. In some cases, crews will tie ribbons to trees that need to be addressed. For more information, download the Marking Trees for Safety Work Fact Sheet (PDF).
  • Typically, four to six weeks after the inspection, we will return to perform the vegetation work. Timing may vary depending on crew safety and weather conditions. If the work is identified as an urgent safety concern, we will address it right away.


After vegetation work is complete

  • Tree branches and limbs that are less than 4 inches in diameter will either be chipped and hauled away or cut into smaller pieces and spread on site.
  • Larger wood will remain in a safe position on site. This wood legally belongs to the property owner.
  • If you have any questions about the wood from trees we cut down on your property, please reach out to us at 1-877-660-6789.
  • Stumps are typically treated to prevent re-growth with an Environmental Protection Agency-approved herbicide that is applied directly to the stump. Any crew member applying herbicides will be supervised by a person with a Qualified Applicator License (or similar certification) from the Department of Pesticide Regulations, a division of the California Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Crews may conduct follow-up inspections to ensure work meets required safety standards.


To learn more about how we are addressing wood from trees cut down following recent fires, visit wildfire recovery.

If you intend to plant

  • When planting, it is important to give vegetation the space it needs to grow above and below ground.
  • This starts by calling 811 before digging or planting and choosing the right tree for the right location on your property.
  • Practicing safe planting helps protect our communities and avoids future tree work. Learn more about safe planting

Frequently asked questions

Laws & regulations

When performing our vegetation safety work, as required by law, we do our best to preserve trees. However, if a tree threatens public safety and the electric system’s reliability, it must be addressed. 

More information to manage trees

CA Fire Safe Council

Learn more about community wildfire risk reduction efforts.

Create a defensible space

Keep your property lean and green to help protect your family and home.