
Wildfire preparedness & support

Take steps to keep your family or business safe from wildfires

Weather and fire detection

How we use technology to monitor the weather 24/7 to help prevent wildfires.

Wildfire webinars and community events

Leaders share information on our Community Wildfire Safety Program and local projects.

Wildfire recovery

Learn about how we help our customers recover from wildfires.

Take steps to keep your family or business safe from wildfires

Make sure you can receive notifications about power outages.

Update your contact information

Stock up on supplies to last a week. Put items in waterproof containers. Make sure supplies are easy to reach. Refresh your kit once a year. Here are some suggestions of what your kit should include. Since each household is unique, you may need to plan accordingly for your needs. Keep in mind pets, those that are elderly or need medications.


  • Drinking water
  • Nonperishable food
  • Tools and utensils
  • Baby and pet food
  • Flashlights
  • Extra batteries
  • Radio
  • Cell phone
  • First-aid kit
  • Medications
  • Blankets and clothing
  • Toiletries
  • Cash
  • Important documents
  • Activities for children

Learn how to prepare for emergencies.

Visit the Safety Action Center

You can sign up to receive alerts in multiple languages by call or text for any address.

Sign up for address alerts

View our map for current outage details. The map is refreshed every 15 minutes.

View or report outages

Our Medical Baseline Program offers assistance for customers who need electricity to meet their medical needs.

Apply for the Medical Baseline Program

Would your health or safety be at risk if your electric or gas service were disconnected?

Register for Vulnerable Customer Status

PG&E is making the electric system safer and stronger for our customers.

Learn about the Community Wildfire Safety Program

We may need to turn off power during severe weather. This is called a Public Safety Power Shutoff.

Learn how to prepare for a Public Safety Power Shutoff

EPSS automatically turns off power when a hazard, like a tree branch, hits a powerline.

Learn about Enhanced Powerline Safety Settings (EPSS)

Preparedness checklists

Residential outage preparation

Steps to take to keep you and your community safe.

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Business outage preparation checklist

Being prepared for outages can help keep you and your employees safe.

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Returning home after a wildfire


Stay connected with your county Office of Emergency Services and follow the directions of your local First Responders. Once First Responders allow you to return home, take these steps to keep safe.


Electric safety

  • Check for damaged electrical wiring. Turn off the power at the main electric switch if you suspect any damage and consult an electrician.
  • Unplug or turn off all electric appliances. Simply leave a single lamp on to alert you when power returns.
  • If you see downed power lines near your home, treat them as if they are "live" or energized. Keep yourself and others away from them. Call 9-1-1, then notify PG&E at 1-877-660-6789.
  • Use only battery-operated flashlights to provide light during outages.
  • Wax candles are not recommended. LED candles are a safe alternative.
  • Make sure generators are properly installed by a licensed electrician. Improperly installed generators pose a significant danger to our crews, and to you and your family.
  • If you are asked to evacuate, shut off your gas and electricity to prevent any further damage.


Gas safety

  • If you or someone else shut off the gas during the evacuation, DO NOT turn it back on. Contact PG&E or another qualified professional to perform a safety inspection before the gas service is restored.
  • If you smell the distinctive "rotten egg" odor of natural gas in or around your home or business immediately call 9-1-1 and then PG&E at 1-877-660-6789.

Gas restoration

  • Gas crews must inspect damaged infrastructure to restore service. PG&E will be bringing in additional crews to restore gas service.
  • It is helpful if customers are available to allow PG&E crews access to their properties in order to inspect equipment and restore service.
  • If contact is not made during our initial door to door effort to relight pilot lights, we will leave a contact card so that customers can call us. Customers returning to their homes that wish to have service restored should call 1-877-660-6789.
  • PG&E employees always carry their identification and are always willing to show it to you. Always ask to see valid identification before allowing anyone claiming to be a PG&E representative inside your home. If a person claiming to be a PG&E employee has identification and you still feel uncomfortable, call PG&E’s customer service line at 1-877-660-6789 to verify.


Heating homes without gas service

  • Place space heaters on level, hard, nonflammable surfaces. Do not place on rugs or carpets.
  • Don't put objects on space heaters or use them to dry clothes or shoes.
  • Turn off space heaters when leaving the room or going to sleep.
  • Keep all flammable materials at least 3 feet away from heating sources.
  • Supervise children when a space heater or fireplace is being used.
  • Never use cooking devices such as ovens or stoves for home heating purposes.
  • Install carbon monoxide detectors to warn you if concentration levels are high. As of 2011, all California single-family homes are required to have carbon monoxide detectors. Make sure they are installed near sleeping areas and replace the batteries at least twice a year.
  • If you are using a fireplace, make sure the flue is open.
  • Never use products inside the home that generate dangerous levels of carbon monoxide. Such products include generators, barbecues, propane heaters and charcoal.




Making the electric system safer and stronger for our customers

System hardening and undergrounding

Undergrounding 10,000 miles of powerlines.

Vegetation management

Keeping trees a safe distance from powerlines.

Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS)

Reducing the impact of PSPS. 


Partnering with the California Network of 211 to provide help for customers who rely on power for health and safety.

Prepare your family for emergencies

A week’s worth of food and water, radio, flashlight, batteries and first aid kit are a good start.



More on outages and safety


At PG&E, nothing is more important than safety.

Outage preparedness and support

Stay prepared for power outages and get support.

Public Safety Power Shutoff

Find out how planned safety outages prevent wildfires and keep you safe.