Report a concern
Are you interested in reporting a concern? Do you want to track a concern you reported? Or view concerns made by others? Follow these instructions to use the Report It app:
We work hard every day to keep our communities safe. We use drones, helicopters, cameras and more to enhance our efforts. And now, our customers can help us keep our system safe. The PG&E Report It mobile app is a valuable part of our safety toolkit. With PG&E Report It, you can send us photos of possible safety issues with our electric system to help us keep your community safer.
Note: The Report It mobile app is only available in English. To report safety issues in another language, call 1-800-743-5000.
Trees or vines that are by a powerline and are:
Powerline poles that are:
Powerlines that are:
Electrical equipment that is:
Some concerns may require immediate attention and should not be reported through the app. If you encounter the following, please call 1-800-743-5000:
If you see a pole with three sets of wires, the top two are powerlines. The lowest line is a communications line. Communications lines are owned by vendors like AT&T and Comcast. Any issues with these lines should be reported to the appropriate vendor.
Continuing to evolve, strengthen and improve our electric system for the safety of customers and communities.
Keep your contact information current to get a message if a coming outage could impact your home or business,
Stay prepared for power outages and get support.