Time-of-Use rate plans

Shift electricity use to lower priced times of day

Is a Time-of-Use rate plan right for you?

Maximize savings with Time-of-Use plans

Lower demand, lower rates

Time-of-Use rate plans are based on:

  • How much energy you use
  • When you use it

Get lower energy rates when energy demand is low. 

Shift energy use to partial- or off-peak times

  • Rates and demand are lower during partial-peak or off-peak hours of the day
  • By shifting your energy use to to these hours, you can: 
    • Lower your bill
    • Support a healthier environment

Ensure a sustainable future

Support California's clean energy effort

  • Time-of-Use rate plans help ensure a more responsible and sustainable energy future for generations to come.

Receive safer, cleaner and more reliable energy

Time-of-Use rate plans offer:

  • Lower priced power when demand is less
  • Greater use of renewable energy

Small shifts can make a difference

Follow these simple ideas to save money on your Time-of-Use rate plan.

Customer success stories

No sacrifice at all

“I just shift my laundry in the morning on the weekend and set my dishwasher for its delay feature so it runs after 9 p.m. My electric car charges every night during off-peak hours. Really no sacrifice at all!”

- Don, PG&E Time-of-Use Customer, Central Coast

I’m making light adjustments

“With the Time-of-Use rate plan, I’m making light adjustments to my schedule. Like doing laundry at night after the kids go to bed. Or starting the dishwasher right before I go to sleep. It’s really not hard to learn these new habits.”

- Farin, PG&E Time-of-Use Customer, Central California

A few simple changes

“Did you know that making a few simple changes to when you do some everyday tasks can directly affect your PG&E bill as well as helping to ease the stress on the power grid? We tend to do our laundry at night rather than during the day, and last year I added an insulation blanket to our water heater.”

- Sheldon, PG&E Time-of-Use Customer, Northern California

A person holding a credit card and typing on a computer.

PG&E Energy Action Guide

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Tools for choosing rate plans

Online rate analysis

  • See what's available and how the different rate plans work
  • View your custom rate analysis
  • Decide what rate plan would be the best rate plan for you

Low-cost and no-cost energy-saving tips

Find ways to save with very little out-of-pocket expense.

Energy glossary

Better understand your energy statement. Learn the definitions of common energy-related terms.