Urgent Alert

Everyday energy-saving tips

Tools and tips to manage your home’s energy

Ways to lower your energy bill

Manage temperature

  • Set your thermostat at 68F in the winter and 78F in the summer, health permitting
  • Consider a space heater or ceiling fan, following safety guidelines of all equipment
  • Open blinds and windows to warm and light home during daylight hours, or close window coverings to keep the cold out

Reduced use of heated water

  • Take shorter showers
  • Wash clothes in cold water and only run full loads

Use electronics and appliances efficiently

  • Unplug small appliances and electronics when not in use
  • Use a small lamp to spotlight your workspace instead of overhead bulbs
  • Turn down brightness and set automatic eco- and energy-saving features on TVs and consoles
  • Use computer sleep and hibernate modes
  • Use a power strip for all personal electronics and turn it off when they are not in use

No-cost, low-cost and investment ideas

Discover the many ways to help you save energy and money, regardless of the weather.

Use these no-cost, energy-saving ideas in your home:

  • Learn personalized ways to save, based on how you use energy. Just answer a few simple questions about your home and energy use to get recommendations. Get a customized list of actions you can take to boost home energy efficiency today. Take the FREE Home Energy Checkup.
  • Visit pge.com/myrateanalysis today to see all of your rate options and learn more about the rate plan that’s recommended for you based on your energy use in the last 12 months.
  • Sign up for Bill Forecast Alerts to help you stay on top of energy bills. The alerts allow you to set a monthly bill alert amount of your choice. You’ll be notified if your bill is projected to exceed the amount you’ve set.
  • Take shorter showers to reduce water-heating costs. Turn on a 5-minute playlist each time you shower, and then challenge yourself to finish before the music does. Encourage others in your home to take this approach.
  • Don't waste money on electronics or appliances that aren’t in use. Turn off and unplug unused televisions and DVD players, computers, phone chargers, coffee makers and other devices.
  • Give your refrigerator “breathing room.” Clean the coils and don’t set the temperature too low. Keep the refrigerator between 38 F and 42 F and the freezer between zero and five degrees F.
  • Defrost a manual-defrost refrigerator or freezer when ice builds up to more than one-quarter of an inch. Built-up ice decreases the energy efficiency of the unit.
  • Wash full loads of laundry using cold water. Modern detergents work great in cold water, and about 90 percent of the energy used by clothes washers goes to water heating.
  • Use your clothes dryer for consecutive loads. The built-up heat means less energy spent.
  • Make sure the lint trap in the clothes dryer is clean before you press start. Add a tennis ball or a clean, dry towel to improve air circulation and reduce drying time.
  • Run cold water when using your garbage disposal. Hot water requires energy to warm. Cold water solidifies grease, moving it more easily through the disposal and pipes.
  • Turn off hot water when not needed while brushing teeth, shaving or doing dishes.
  • Use the self-cleaning oven feature only when necessary. Start the self-cleaning cycle immediately after you use the oven in order to take advantage of pre-existing heat.
  • Use glass baking dishes in the oven when possible. Glass retains heat better than other materials, so it helps food cook faster. With glass baking dishes, you usually can reduce your oven temperature by about 25 F.
  • Operate your dishwasher with full loads, and air-dry dishes on the energy saver setting. If the manufacturer's instructions permit, open the dishwasher door at the end of the last rinse cycle, rather than using the drying cycle.
  • Challenge everyone in the household to gather around one television a few days each week, and turn off the others.

Use these cost-efficient tips to help lower your energy use:

  • Install energy-saving showerheads, faucets or flow restrictors.
  • Use dimmer switches or timers on your lights.
  • Replace compact fluorescent bulbs with LED bulbs that give the same amount and quality of light, yet use one-quarter the amount of energy and last 10 times longer.
  • Wrap your water heater with an insulating jacket or blanket to prevent loss of heat. Ensure that the air intake vent remains uncovered.

Save even more energy and money with these longer-term investments:

  • Select an energy-efficient model ENERGY STAR®-labeled refrigerator, washer, air conditioner or other appliance. Find efficient appliances on the Energy Action Guide.
  • When shopping for a printer, scanner or other computer peripherals, spend a few extra dollars to buy one that automatically goes into sleep mode or turns off when not in use.
  • Finance up to $50,000 for 15 years at competitive rates through the State of California-administered Residential Energy Efficiency Loan program available in all counties. Learn more at the GoGreen Financing website.

Free tools to help you save energy and money

Understand how you're using energy

Review your energy usage and costs over time. You can review by hour, day, week or month to understand how much energy you are using by electric, gas or both.

See how and why your bills differ

Compare your bills by month or by year. Find out the reasons for changes in your energy use and get a detailed bill analysis.

Learn where you're using energy

The free and easy Home Energy Checkup shows you the areas where your home is using the most energy and where you can find the biggest savings.

More ways to lower your energy bill

Financial assistance programs

Find out whether your household qualifies for a monthly discount on your energy bill and enroll.

Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) program

Explore no-cost home energy improvements for income-qualified homes that are at least five years old.

Medical Baseline

Residential customers who rely on power for certain medical needs, additional energy at the lowest price on their current rate.