Storage Activity Archives

Historical Archives

Invalid Start Date. Enter date after 3/1/1998.

Invalid End Date. Enter date after 3/1/1998.

End Date cannot be greater than Start Date.



PG&E Core and Market Center

Wild Goose


Gill Ranch

Central Valley

Pipeline Balancing


PG&E Core and Market Center

Wild Goose


Gill Ranch

Central Valley

Pipeline Balancing

Balancing Gas

Imbalance Gas in Storage

PG&E Total Gas in Storage

All numbers are expressed in MMcf.


All numbers are expressed in MMcf. Archive data shown here is from Pacific Gas and Electric Company's California Gas Transmission final operating plan for the gas day. It represents estimates made the day after flow day, prior to the availability of metered or billing-quality data. This data is not audited nor adjusted if more accurate data becomes available.