
Understanding your energy use with SmartMeter™

Meter reading schedule

SmartMeter™ for solar & renewable customers

Third party companies

Sign up for the SmartMeter™ program

SmartMeter™-enabled tools, can help you understand exactly how you use energy to reduce and control your monthly bill. 


Benefits of SmartMeter™ and Meter-Connector 

Get more reliable service

SmartMeter™ and Meter-Connector provide communication between PG&E and the grid. This two-way communication allows us to quickly identify outages and resolve other service problems, typically without visiting your home or business. Learn more about how this technology works.

More control

You can get an online, detailed history of your energy use and costs, up to the previous day. View your hourly electric and daily gas and electric consumption, and then compare your energy use to last week or even last year. You can use this valuable information to make smart energy choices. Get detailed information about your energy use.

Get alerts about your energy use

SmartMeter™ technology enables us to send you Energy Alerts. These messages notify you when your electric use becomes more costly. Use this information to help manage your energy use and reduce costs. Sign up for the alerts.

More choice

Learn whether you can reduce your energy bills with optional rates that we base on the time of day you use energy. Get details about our pricing plan options.

Use Stream My Data to connect smart devices in your home

When you use your Stream My Data device, your SmartMeter™ connects to the smart devices in your home so that they can automatically respond to energy use from the grid. Learn more about Stream My Data.

Reading the meter

Opt out of the SmartMeter™ program

Learn about your meter choices


With PG&E, you can choose the type of meter that you want for your home. You can choose a SmartMeter™ or an analog meter. The following table compares both meters.


important notice Note:  The analog meter comes with a monthly fee. The monthly fee ends after 36 consecutive months. Fees are set by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).


If you qualify for financial assistance, the setup charge for an analog meter is $10 and the monthly charge is $5. Learn about financial assistance requirements. Visit Helping Customers Save Energy & Money.

Learn about SmartMeter™ benefits. Visit SmartMeter™ and Meter-Connector benefits.


Opting out


You can opt out of SmartMeter™ participation with one of the following methods:


CPUC rules for SmartMeter™ opt-out fees


If you opt out, your monthly fees and meter readings are affected in the following ways.

  • Your monthly charges are discontinued after 36 consecutive months.
  • Your meter readings take place every other month, starting in 2015.

important notice Note: The decision on opt-out rules was issued by the Decision 14-12-078 December 18, 2014 (PDF) CPUC in December 2014.

Read the tariff and rate changes related to the decision by the CPUC (PDF)

Empower yourself with Stream My Data

PG&E Stream My Data helps you save energy and money by providing real-time electricity data through an energy-monitoring device. This device helps you understand how and when you're using electricity. It also helps you understand the related costs, which enables you to take action that saves energy and money. By connecting an energy-monitoring device to the electric SmartMeter™ in your home or business, you can:

  • Monitor your real-time electricity usage (kilowatt [kW]).
  • See your real-time price ($/kilowatt hour [kWh]).
  • Get an estimate of costs-to-date and an estimated electric bill for the current month.
  • Receive demand response event alerts (SmartRate™ and Peak Day Pricing event alerts).

Save money by starting Stream My Data in simple steps

  1. Find out if you're eligible.
    To use Stream My Data, you must meet the following requirements:
    • Have an active PG&E service account.
    • Be a residential or small- or medium-business customer.
    • Have an eligible electric rate (E1, EVA, A1, A6 or A10).
    • Have access to a SmartMeter™ with a strong meter network connection.
  2. Sign in to your PG&E online account*.
    After signing in, you will be taken to a dashboard for Your Account. Select Stream My Data under My Usage & Ways to Save to confirm that you have an eligible meter. If no eligible meter is displayed, email us at or call 1-877-743-4357, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-7 p.m. You may be eligible for a meter upgrade that enables you to participate. *Your online PG&E account that is accessible through pge.comOpens in new Window. is not compatible with Safari, the standard browser on Apple devices. Please use Firefox, Chrome or Internet Explorer (version 9 or above) to access the Stream My Data dashboard and connect your device to a SmartMeter™.
  3. Purchase your device.
    The device you purchase must be compatible with a PG&E SmartMeter™. It must adhere to ZigBee Smart Energy 1.0 or 1.1 specifications. Many electronics and online retailers sell devices that meet these requirements. To view a list of Home Area Network (HAN) validated devices, see validated HAN devices.
  4. Start learning.
    After purchasing a device, follow the instructions on your Stream My Data dashboard to connect it to the meter. The sooner you set it up, the sooner you can track your data, understand your electricity consumption and start saving energy and money.


More on saving energy and money

Share My Data

Allow third-party companies to offer analysis and tools to help you save money. 

Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) program

Save energy and money with free home upgrades.

Demand response (DR) programs

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