Transitional Bundled Service Electric Commodity Prices(TBCC)
These prices apply to Direct Access customers, as well as CCA customers, who: (1) elect Transitional Bundled Service (TBS) as prescribed in Rule 22.1 (Direct Access Service Switching Exemption Rules) or (2) take Bundled Service prior to the end of the mandatory six-month notice period required to elect Bundled Service as prescribed in Rule 22.1, and will be used to calculate the customer's Transitional Bundled Commodity Cost (TBCC) charge. (See Schedule TBCC - Transitional Bundled Commodity Cost for a detailed description of price calculations.)
1) Current and Historic Development of Hourly TBCC
(i) 7/1/2012 - Present (D.11-12-018 and Resolution E-4475)
The hourly market price (at the transmission / distribution
interface) shall consist of the CAISO hourly Integrated Forward
Market (IFM) Locational Marginal Price (LMP) for the PGE
Utility Distribution Company (UDC) control area (LAP_PGAE),
multiplied by an allowance for Unaccounted for Energy(UFE),
plus an allowance for Ancillary Services (AS) and the ISO
Grid Management Charges (GMC).
MP day n, hr = IFM LMP LAP PGAE, day n,
hr * UFE + AS day n, hr +
The revised hourly market price (Revised MP) will equal the sum
of the Hourly Market Price, the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS)
adder and the Capacity adder (CAP ADDER).
Revised MP day n, hr = MP day n, hr +
RPS adder + CAP adder
Hourly TBCC prices applicable to customers served at
each voltage level are then equal to the revised hourly market price
determined above, multiplied by the appropriate distribution loss
factor(DLF)and a factor for revenue fees and uncollectibles (RFU).
TBCC day n, hr = Revised MP day n,
hr * DLF * RFU
(ii) 4/1/2009 - 6/30/2012 (MRTU implementation)
The hourly market price (at the
transmission / distribution interface) shall
consist of the CAISO hourly Integrated Forward
Market (IFM) Locational Marginal Price (LMP) for
the PGE Utility Distribution Company (UDC)
control Area (LAP_PGAE), multiplied by an allowance
for Unaccounted for Energy (UFE), plus an allowance
for Ancillary Services (AS) and the ISO
Grid Management Charges (GMC).
MP day n, hr = IFM LMP LAP PGAE, day n,
hr * UFE + AS day n, hr +
Hourly TBCC prices applicable to customers served
at each voltage level are then equal to the hourly
market price determined above, multiplied by the
appropriate distribution loss factor (DLF) and a
factor for revenue fees and uncollectibles
TBCC day n, hr = MP day n, hr
(iii) Prior to 4/1/09
hourly market price (at the
transmission / distribution interface) shall
consist of the straight average of the six
10-minute CAISO Ex Post Incremental prices for
North of Path 15 (Avg NP15), multiplied by an
allowance for Unaccounted for Energy (UFE), plus
an allowance for Ancillary Services (AS) and the
ISO Grid Management Charges (GMC).
MP day n, hr = Avg NP15 day n,
hr * UFE + AS day n, hr +
Hourly TBCC prices applicable to customers served
at each voltage level are then equal to the hourly
market price determined above, multiplied by the
appropriate distribution loss factor (DLF) and a
factor for revenue fees and uncollectibles
TBCC day n, hr = MP day n, hr
2) Development of Average TBCC
Average prices for each
schedule (or TOU period) are developed through the
use of a statistical load profile which represents
the average load profile for all customers (both
Direct Access and Bundled Service) on a given rate
The sum of the products of the: (1) hourly TBCC
prices, and (2) the hourly loads, divided by the
use associated with the statistical load profile
(expressed as a fraction of the profile period use
allocated to each hour) will yield an average
price for a specific customer group and TOU
period. These average prices are updated
To find the prices used on a particular bill:
Click the most recent effective date on
the list below which is less than or equal to the Bill
To date of the bill. Then follow the instructions on
the page which will appear.
- Effective Date 03/20/25
- Effective Date 03/13/25
- Effective Date 03/06/25
- Effective Date 02/27/25
- Effective Date 02/20/25
- Effective Date 02/13/25
- Effective Date 02/06/25
- Effective Date 01/30/25
- Effective Date 01/23/25
- Effective Date 01/16/25
- Effective Date 01/09/25
- Effective Date 01/02/25
- Effective Date 12/26/24
- Effective Date 12/19/24
- Effective Date 12/12/24
- Effective Date 12/05/24
- Effective Date 11/28/24
- Effective Date 11/21/24
- Effective Date 11/14/24
- Effective Date 11/07/24
- Effective Date 10/31/24
- Effective Date 10/24/24
- Effective Date 10/17/24
- Effective Date 10/10/24
- Effective Date 10/03/24
- Effective Date 09/26/24
- Effective Date 09/19/24
- Effective Date 09/12/24
- Effective Date 09/05/24
- Effective Date 08/29/24
- Effective Date 08/22/24
- Effective Date 08/15/24
- Effective Date 08/08/24
- Effective Date 08/01/24
- Effective Date 07/25/24
- Effective Date 07/18/24
- Effective Date 07/11/24
- Effective Date 07/04/24
- Effective Date 06/27/24
- Effective Date 06/20/24
- Effective Date 06/13/24
- Effective Date 06/06/24
- Effective Date 05/30/24
- Effective Date 05/23/24
- Effective Date 05/16/24
- Effective Date 05/09/24
- Effective Date 05/02/24
- Effective Date 04/25/24
- Effective Date 04/18/24
- Effective Date 04/11/24
- Effective Date 04/04/24
- Effective Date 03/28/24
- Effective Date 03/21/24
- Effective Date 03/14/24
- Effective Date 03/07/24
- Effective Date 02/29/24
- Effective Date 02/22/24
- Effective Date 02/15/24
- Effective Date 02/08/24
- Effective Date 02/01/24