©2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company
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Contact us with issues
Please report any disability related accessibility barriers you encounter when you use our site or other PG&E services. Contact ADASupport@pge.com or 831-784-3592. The mailbox and voicemail box is monitored during regular business hours (Monday - Friday; 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.). We will respond to your inquiry with 3 business days.
An accessible website
Pge.com is tested to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1AA.
More on accessibility
Alternative format requests
Request any non-bill PG&E print materials in Braille, large print or audio.
Vulnerable Customer Status
Is your health or safety at risk if your electric or gas service is disconnected? We're here to help.
Medical Baseline Program
Help for residential customers who depend on power for certain medical needs.
©2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company