Gas systems

Find out more about PG&E's gas safety programs & natural gas system

Learn where natural gas pipelines are located


PG&E monitors our natural gas system status in real time on a 24-hour basis. We regularly conduct leak inspections, surveys and patrols of all of our natural gas transmission pipelines. We immediately address any issues that are identified as threats to public safety.


The following interactive map shows pipelines in your neighborhood.


NOTE: Internet Explorer is not supported for this application.


PLEASE NOTE: Gas transmission pipeline data is provided by the PG&E Geographic Information System. Street map info is provided by Esri®. PG&E is providing this map as a courtesy and for general information purposes only. The map does not represent that the information contained herein is accurate for any particular purpose, and therefore disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including the warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. Independent verification from experts can be obtained prior to any specific use. Recipient accepts full responsibility for any consequences associated with use of this information.

Contact us

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View gas safety resources

We have a complete inspection and monitoring program. The program helps ensure the safety of our natural gas transmission pipeline system. Learn about our plan for safer, more reliable gas service from the following resources:


Additional resources


Read more about pipeline inspection, replacement, and safety initiatives

Gas Tools

PG&E is committed to the safety of the communities it serves and is working every day to enhance gas pipeline safety.