Yuam Kev: Tsis tuaj yeem cia qhov chaw no seem tseg.
Yuam Kev: Kev nkag tsis raug raws cai. Tsis txhob siv cov cim qhia txog kev sib npaug [=] los sis cov cim teev lus [:].
- Tseem xav tau kev pab puas yog? Sim thov Lub Chaw Muab Kev Pab (Help Center).
- CARE. Kuaj xyuas seb koj puas muaj cai tsim nyog tau txais ib qho kev txo nqi.
- Medical Baseline. Kawm paub txog kev yuav tso npe thov kev pab tau li cas.
- Cov Nyiaj Tau Txais Rov Qab. Tshawb nrhiav kom paub txog cov nyiaj tau txais rov qab los ntawm PG&E rau koj lub tsev.
- Cov Kev Tua Hluav Taws Xob. Hais tawm qhia thiab saib cov kev tua hluav taws xob.
- Cov Hauj Lwm/Cov Txoj Hauj Lwm. Tshawb nrhiav txog cov hauj lwm nyob rau ntawm PG&E.
Yuam Kev: Tsis tuaj yeem cia qhov chaw no seem tseg.
Yuam Kev: Kev nkag tsis raug raws cai. Tsis txhob siv cov cim qhia txog kev sib npaug [=] los sis cov cim teev lus [:].
- Tseem xav tau kev pab puas yog? Sim thov Lub Chaw Muab Kev Pab (Help Center).
- CARE. Kuaj xyuas seb koj puas muaj cai tsim nyog tau txais ib qho kev txo nqi.
- Medical Baseline. Kawm paub txog kev yuav tso npe thov kev pab tau li cas.
- Cov Nyiaj Tau Txais Rov Qab. Tshawb nrhiav kom paub txog cov nyiaj tau txais rov qab los ntawm PG&E rau koj lub tsev.
- Cov Kev Tua Hluav Taws Xob. Hais tawm qhia thiab saib cov kev tua hluav taws xob.
- Cov Hauj Lwm/Cov Txoj Hauj Lwm. Tshawb nrhiav txog cov hauj lwm nyob rau ntawm PG&E.
Faj Seeb: Lub computer txhais lus no. Yog koj muaj lus nug, hu rau cov kev pab ntawm 1-877-660-6789.
Thaj chaw thiab Cov Chaw Uas Tsis Yog-Residential enrollment hauv Solar Xaiv yog rau tuav ib California Public Utility Commission directive hauv kev txiav txim siab 21-12-036. Tag nrho cov neeg muas zaub sim nkag mus rau ib waitlist rau yav tom ntej yog muaj peev xwm muaj.
PG& E muas khoom ntxiv hnub ci tshiab nyob rau hauv peb qhov chaw uas zoo heev kom tau raws li cov hluav taws xob xav tau cov neeg muas zaub koom hauv qhov kev pab cuam Solar Xaiv. Hauv qab no yog ib daim ntawv uas tam sim no Solar Xaiv yaam num. Tej yaam num tshiab yuav muab ntxiv raws li qhov kev pab cuam loj hlob.
Zos: Manteca
County: San Joaquin
Peev xwm (MW): 1
Peb tes num: PG& E solar xaiv - Nplooj siab Resource
Status: ua hauj lwm
pib zog hnub: Lub peb hlis ntuj 12, 2018
daim ntawv cog lus (xyoo): 20
Niam txiv tuam txhab: AES distributed zog Inc.
Zos: Los Banos
County: Merced
Peev xwm (MW): 3
Tes Num: PG& E solar xaiv - Nplooj siab Resource
Status: ua hauj lwm
pib zog hnub: Lub yim hli ntuj 24, 2018
daim ntawv cog lus (xyoo): 20
Niam txiv tuam txhab: Ntsuab teeb zog Corporation
Zos: Cantua Creek
County: Fresno
Capacity (MW): 20
peb tes num: PG& E solar xaiv - Nplooj siab Resource
Status: ua hauj lwm
pib zog hnub: Lub ob hlis ntuj 09, 2018
daim ntawv cog lus (xyoo): 20
Niam txiv tuam txhab: Consolidated Edison, Inc.
Zos: San Joaquin
County: Fresno
Capacity (MW): 1.5
project yam: PG& E solar xaiv - Nplooj siab Resource
Status: ua hauj lwm
pib zog hnub: Lub Xya hli ntuj 12, 2019
daim ntawv cog lus (xyoo): 20
Niam txiv tuam txhab: peev Dynamics, Inc.
Zos: McFarland
County: Kern
Capacity (MW): 1
peb tes num: PG& E solar xaiv - Nplooj siab Resource
Status: ua hauj lwm
pib zog hnub: Lub peb hlis ntuj 12, 2018
daim ntawv cog lus (xyoo): 20
Niam txiv tuam txhab: AES Distributed zog, Inc.
Zos: Bakersfield
County: Kern
Capacity (MW): 5.25
peb tes num: PG& E solar xaiv - Nplooj siab Resource
Status: ua hauj lwm
pib zog hnub: May 25, 2018
daim ntawv cog lus (xyoo): 20
Niam txiv tuam txhab: AES Distributed zog, Inc.
Zos: Bakersfield
County: Kern
Capacity (MW): 20
peb tes num yam: PG& E solar xaiv - Nplooj siab Resource
Status: ua hauj lwm
pib zog hnub: Lub ob hlis ntuj 8, 2018
daim ntawv cog lus (xyoo): 20
Niam txiv tuam txhab: 8minute zog Renewables, LLC
Zos: Bakersfield
County: Kern
Capacity (MW): 1.0
peb tes num yam: PG& E solar xaiv - Nplooj siab Resource
Status: ua hauj lwm
pib zog hnub: Lub peb hlis ntuj 12, 2018
daim ntawv cog lus (xyoo): 20
Niam txiv tuam txhab: AES Distributed zog, Inc.
Ntau hnub ci cov chaw muab kev pab
Cov nyiaj tau los ntsuab Saver program
Tej zaum koj yuav tau txais kev pab zog tauj dua tshiab thaum txuag tau nyiaj rau koj daim nqi
Lag luam wholesale fais fab procurement
Koj puas yog ib tug tsim tawm renewable? Xyuas kom paub ntxiv txog peb lub zej zog hnub ci solicitations.
Rooftop hnub ci thiab cia
Kawm ntxiv txog cov kev pab cuam ntawm installing hnub ci los yog roj teeb cia rau koj lub tsev.
Tiv Tauj Rau Peb
©2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Tiv Tauj Rau Peb
©2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company