Cashout Components for Cumulative Imbalances

Commodity Cashout
 Cumulative ImbalanceOver-Deliveries (OD)Under-Deliveries (UD)
Tier I>5%<=10%75% of Weighted¹ OD Index125% of Weighted¹ UD Index
Tier II>10%50% of lowest OD Index150% of highest UD Index


  • WOD Index=lower of the Bid Week monthly index price or the average of the five lowest daily published index prices
  • WUD Index=higher of the Bid Week monthly index price or the average of the five highest published daily published index prices
  • The OD Index=lowest average published daily at either Malin or Topock. The cashout price equals 50% of the OD Index
  • The UD Index=the highest average published daily at either Malin or Topock. The cashout price equals 150% of the UD Index
  • Based on Natural Gas Intelligence and BTU Daily Gas Wire Index Prices at Malin and southern California border

¹Weighted according to on-system supply mix


Transmission Cashout
Over-Deliveries Credit
  • Based on MFV Usage Charge for Annual Firm Service (under Schedule G-AFT) 
  • Weighted according to on-system supply mix
Under-Deliveries Charge
  • Based on Usage Charge for As-Available Service (under Schedule G-AA) 
  • Weighted according to on-system supply mix


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