Imbalance Gas in Storage Nearing Limit of 5 Bcf

Date: May 16, 2024

Pipeline balancing services are provided on California Gas Transmission's system by an allocated 5.0 Bcf of storage inventory, 200 MMcf/d of injection capacity, and 300 MMcf/d of withdrawal capacity.


The current inventory of Imbalance Gas in Storage can be found on the Pipe Ranger Operations page.


Recent over-deliveries by suppliers have increased Imbalance Gas in Storage to a level that is approaching the upper limit of 5.0 Bcf. As such, this will cause a suspension of pipeline balancing injection service.


Without the ability to inject for balancing, the likelihood of high inventory OFOs increases.


What can shippers do to help avoid high inventory OFOs?

· Balance supply and demand daily. Work to ensure that supplies brought in for your customers balance with their daily demands.

· Keep an eye on the System Inventory Status information posted on Pipe Ranger.


Please call your CGT Representative if you have questions.