
Clean energy

Renewable energy for your home or business 


Information on solar for your home and business.

Electric vehicles (EV)

Find out how to buy the right EV for you, compare rate plans and more.

Battery storage

Keep the power on at your home or business during planned or unplanned outages.

Solar calculator

Do the math. Understand the pros and cons of investing in renewable energy.

EV savings calculator

How much can an EV save you? Find out today.

EV fleet calculator

Save your organization money. Switch one or more vehicles to electricity.

Find a solar contractor

Qualified, licensed contractors save you time and money. We can help you connect with the right contractor for your system.

Clean energy rates

Electric home rate plan

Discover the rate plan for an electric-powered home.

EV rate plans

You can lower your energy costs by enrolling in one of our EV rates plans:


  • Home Charging EV2-A
  • EV-B

Business EV rates

Both of PG&E's EV rate plans for business customers include on-site EV charging:


  • Business low use EV rate – BEV1
  • Business high use EV rate – BEV2

Renewable generation/storage rates

  • Option R rate modifier for large commercial customers with renewable generation or storage
  • Option S rate modifier for large commercial storage
  •  B1-ST rate modifier for storage