Electric Vehicle (EV) rate plans

Making sense of EV rate plans

Explore your savings potential

Residential EV rates

You can lower your energy costs by enrolling in one of our EV rate plans:

  • Home Charging EV2-A
  • Electric Vehicle Rate Plan EV-B

Explore EV rates for residential customers


Use the residential EV calculator to find the lowest cost electric rate

Business EV rates

PG&E offers two electric vehicle rate plans for business customers with on-site EV charging:

  • Business low use EV rate – BEV1
  • Business high use EV rate – BEV2

Explore EV rates for businesses


Use the business EV calculator to find the lowest cost electric rate

Residential EV rate plans

We offer three rate plans that EV customers are eligible for

Home Charging EV2-A

EV2-A combines:

  • Your vehicle's electricity costs
  • Your home’s electricity usage

Get details about EV2-A

Electric Vehicle Rate Plan EV-B


  • Separates your vehicle's electricity costs from those of your home
  • Involves the installation of a second meter

Get details about EV-B

Electric Home Rate Plan (E-ELEC)


  • Ideal if you electrify your home with one or more of the following: Electric vehicle (EV), battery storage, electric heat pump for water heating or climate control (space heating or cooling). 
  • Includes a $15-per-month Base Services Charge and lower kWh prices compared to some other rate plans.
  • Your home does not need to be all-electric to qualify for this rate plan. 

Get details about Electric Home (E-ELEC)

EV rates are Time-of-Use (TOU) rates

TOU rates:

  • Are priced based on the time of day the electricity is used
  • Encourage customers to avoid using electricity during the early evening when the cost of electricity is highest
  • Do not limit how much electricity you can at any time

Changing your rate schedule: 

  • You are allowed to change your rate schedule twice in the first 12 months.
  • After the second rate change you must remain on the new rate for 12 months.

Installing a second meter

  • Do you want to install a second meter dedicated to your electric vehicle (EV)? You are only eligible for EV-B on that meter.
  • Your house will be eligible for other PG&E rate plans (except for the Home Charging EV2-A rate).

Programs available to EV rate customers

  • EV2-A customers can enroll in SmartRate and Medical Baseline™.
  • EV-B customers cannot enroll in the following programs: SmartRate™, Medical Baseline, CARE and FERA.

What is the EV2-A rate?

Combines home and vehicle energy use

  • Our Home Charging EV2-A rate applies to both your home energy and your vehicle's electricity use.
  • It offers lower prices during the hours when producing energy is cheapest.

Best for off-peak charging

This rate plan works for those who have one or more of the following and can charge during off-peak hours:

  • An electric vehicle (EV)
  • Battery storage
  • An electric heat pump

Set charging times for lowest price periods

  • Most EVs and home charging stations allow you to program when you want to charge them.
  • Set the charging time to be during the lowest TOU price periods.

EV2-A is a TOU rate

  • A TOU rate has different prices for electricity depending on the time of day.
  • Costs on the EV2-A rate are lowest from 12 midnight to 3 p.m., every day. This includes weekends and holidays when demand is lowest.
  • This is the best time to charge your vehicle and to use larger household appliances, such as:
    • AC
    • washer
    • dryer
    • dishwasher

Peak and off-peak hours apply


  • Off-peak hours are 12 midnight to 3 p.m.
  • Peak hours (4-9 p.m.): electricity is more expensive
  • Partial-peak (3-4 p.m. and 9 p.m. - 12 midnight)

The cost to charge your EV during off-peak hours is about the same as paying $2.90 per gallon at the pump. Learn more about eGallon.

Eligible for CARE and FERA

  • The EV2-A rate is also eligible for the CARE and FERA monthly discounts.
  • When you combine CARE and the EV2-A rate, the cost to charge your EV during off-peak hours is the same as paying $1.88 per gallon at the pump. 
  • Learn more about CARE and FERA.

Eligible for SmartRate™

EV2-A customers are eligible to participate in SmartRate™.

Eligible for Medical Baseline

  • EV2-A customers may be eligible to receive 12% discount (D-MEDICAL) on their electric charges.

EV2-A rates schedule

  • Review the EV2-A full schedule and rates.
  • This rate schedule applies everywhere PG&E provides electric service.

EV2-A Summer (June – September)

A graphic showing the best charging times for an EV2A during the summer months. Summer months are from June to September. The lowest cost hours for charging are from 12 a.m. to 3 p.m. and the higher cost hours are from 3 p.m. to 12 a.m. Avoid or limit charging during higher cost peak hours from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.


EV2-A Winter (October – May)

A graphic showing the best charging times for an EV2A during the winter months. Winter months are from October to May. The lowest cost hours for charging are from 12 a.m. to 3 p.m. and the higher cost hours are from 4 p.m. to 12 a.m. Avoid or limit charging during higher cost peak hours from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.

important notice Note:

  • Daily peak period is (4-9 p.m.), partial peak is (3-4 p.m. and 9 p.m. - 12 midnight) and off-peak period is (all other hours).
  • Costs shown above are per kWh.
  • Customers with high energy usage (over 800% baseline allowance) over the last 12 months are not eligible for this rate. 

Learn more about Baseline Allowance.

What is the EV-B rate?

Separates home and vehicle energy costs

  • EV-B rate separates your vehicle’s electricity costs from those of your home.
  • It requires the installation of a second meter.
  • The price for charging varies based on the time of day.
  • Your home energy use is measured separately through its own rate.

No shifts to home energy use

The EV-B rate is best for those who:

  • Want to track their EV charging separately from their home energy usage, and/or
  • Are not able to shift their home electric use to off-peak hours

No set charging times

  • Charge any time
  • Maximize your savings by reducing usage from:
    • 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. on weekdays
    • 3-7 p.m. on weekends and holidays

EV-B is a TOU rate

This means there are different prices for electricity depending on the time of day.

  • Costs on EV-B are lowest from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. when energy demand is lowest. This is the best time to charge your vehicle. 
  • Electricity is more expensive during: 
    • Peak periods (2-9 p.m.)
    • Partial-peak periods (7 a.m. - 2 p.m. and 9-11 p.m.)

Learn about the eGallon

  • The cost to charge your EV during off-peak hours is the about the same as paying $2.95 per gallon. Learn more about eGallon.

Second meters are required

Do you want to install a second meter dedicated to your electric vehicle (EV)?

  • You are only eligible for EV-B on that meter.
  • Your house will be eligible for other PG&E rate plans (except for the Home Charging EV2-A rate).

Not eligible for CARE, FERA or Medical Baseline

  • The EV-B rate is not eligible for the CARE, FERA or Medical Baseline discounts.
  • For customers enrolled in CARE, the EV2-A rate may be an option..

Not eligible for SmartRate™

  • EV-B customers are not eligible to participate in SmartRate.
  • The EV2-A rate may be an option for you.

EV-B rates schedule

  • Review the EV-B full schedule and rates.
  • This rate schedule applies everywhere PG&E provides electric service.

EV-B Summer (May – October)

A graphic showing the best charging times for an EV-B during the summer months. Summer months are from May to October. The lowest cost hours for charging are from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. The higher cost hours are from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Avoid or limit charging during higher cost peak hours from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m.


EV-B Winter (November – April)

A graphic showing the best charging times for an EV-B during the winter months. Winter months are from November to April. The lowest cost hours for charging are from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. The higher cost hours are from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Avoid or limit charging during higher cost peak hours from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m.


important notice Note:

  • Weekends and holidays only include the peak period of (3-7 p.m.) and the off-peak (all other hours) period.
  • Costs shown above are per kWh.
  • Customers with high energy usage (over 800% baseline allowance) over the last 12 months are not eligible for this rate. 

Learn more about Baseline Allowance.

What does off-peak mean?

Less strain on the energy grid

  • Using energy during low production times helps spread electric usage to times of the day when there is less strain on the grid.
  • These hours are referred to as ‘off-peak.’
  • They vary depending on which TOU rate a customer is enrolled in.

Lower rates for home charging

  • Charging at home allows EV owners to take advantage of these lower rates.
  • By shifting energy usage to off-peak hours, you could also reduce your utility bill.

How to charge your EV during off-peak hours


Set up off-peak charging hours using:

  • A charging station
  • Your network app
  • Your vehicle

To learn how to set charging times, refer to the charging station's instructions or your vehicle's manual.

Is an EV rate right for you?

How much could your household save on an EV rate?

A person in a red coat charging their electric motor vehicle.

Explore EV fundamentals

Making the decision to purchase an electric vehicle (EV) can seem daunting. There is a lot to consider. From the mechanics of electric vehicles to their environmental benefits. PG&E is your trusted EV resource.

Business EV rate plans

PG&E offers two EV rates for business customers with on-site EV charging


The rate plans help you meet your EV charging needs, while keeping fuel costs lower than gasoline or diesel alternatives. Both plans combine a customizable monthly subscription charge with a time-of-use rate to help you save money.


These rate plans are specifically designed for customers with separately metered EV charging at locations such as workplaces, multi-unit dwellings, and retail as well as sites with fleets and public fast charging stations.

Business Low Use EV Rate - BEV1

Best suited for:

  • EV charging installations up to and including 100 kilowatts (kW)
  • Smaller workplaces and multi-unit dwellings

Business High Use EV Rate - BEV2

Best suited for:

  • EV charging installations of 100 kilowatts (kW) and above 
  • Sites with fleets and public fast-charging stations

BEV rates schedule

  • Review the BEV full schedule and rates.
  • This rate schedule applies everywhere PG&E provides electric service.

How business EV works


Time-of-use with monthly subscription charge


An infographic describing Business EV rates require a monthly subscription charge. Your monthly subscription charge plus your time -of-use rate equals your Business EV Rate.


Features of EV rates for business customers


Monthly subscription charge

Choose your subscription level based on your maximum monthly EV charging kW consumption. This can be adjusted throughout the month as often as needed – until the last day of each billing cycle – to avoid overage fees.


Overage fees

At the end of your billing cycle, if your actual consumption (kW) exceeds your subscription level, you will be charged an overage fee of two times the cost of one kW for each kW over your subscription level.


For example, using a subscription fee of $12.41 per 10 kW block (i.e., $1.24 per 1 kW), your overage fee would be two times this at $2.48 per 1 kW. If you have a 60 kW subscription level, but use 61 kW in a given billing cycle, you will pay for the 60kW subscription ($74.46) plus the additional 1 kW at double the price ($2.48). The cost of the overage fees is the same as selecting the next subscription level for exactly half of the subscription block in the given cycle. For example, an overage fee of $2.48 for 5 kW is $12.41, which is the same as the cost of the of 10 kW subscription block.


Grace period

To help you determine the best subscription level, you have a grace period with no overage fees for three billing cycles when you first enroll or add more EV charging installations. If you incur overage fees on your third and final grace period billing cycle, your subscription level will be automatically adjusted to cover your overage amount. You will also need to stay on this auto-adjusted subscription level for your next three billing cycles, after which you may modify your subscription level without limitation.


Time-of-use rate

In addition to your monthly subscription charge, you are charged a volumetric rate (kWh) based on how much energy you use and when you use it. Charging is the most affordable midday when PG&E has higher levels of renewable energy generation. Time-of-use periods are consistent year-round with no seasonality.

A graphic showing three types of pricing for electric vehicles. The pricing categories include Peak, off-peak and super off-peak hours during the day.

Please refer to the Business EV Tariff (PDF) for exact values.


Benefits of subscription-based EV plans

Affordable EV charging

Using these plans to charge an electric vehicle could result in lower costs as compared to fueling a similar vehicle that uses gasoline or diesel.1

Simpler pricing

These plans eliminate traditional fluctuating demand charges and let you select a subscription level that minimizes charging costs to better fit your needs.

Improved budgeting

Similar to cell phone or cable TV service, you choose your monthly subscription level, so you know what to expect each month. 

Reduce greenhouse gases

Electric vehicles reduce greenhouse gases by over 60% by fueling vehicles using PG&E’s more than 85% greenhouse-gas free fuel mix.

Support California's goals

Transportation is the single largest source of climate-related pollution.2 To help the state reach its greenhouse gas reductions goals in 2030 and 2050, we must electrify our fleets.

1Calculated based on Carbon Intensity (CI) as identified by the California Air and Resources Board in the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) regulation. Based on PG&E's 2018 power mix (PDF).

2California Air and Resources Board (CARB), July 2018

Review EV rate plans for your business

Customers who may benefit Description Things to consider

Business Low Use EV Rate - BEV1

This rate plan is designed for smaller businesses with separately metered EV charging equipment and a connected load of 100 kilowatts (kW) or less. Best for smaller workplaces and multi-unit dwellings, such as apartment buildings.

This rate plan allows you to choose your subscription level in 10 kW blocks, up to 100 kW with a price of $12.41 per 10 kW block.

Avoid charging during peak periods to maximize savings.

Consider using demand management software and/or battery storage to reduce your capacity needs and lower your subscription level.

Business High Use EV Rate - BEV2

This rate plan is designed for larger businesses with separately metered EV charging equipment and a connected load of 100 kilowatts (kW) or more. Best for sites with fleets and public fast-charging stations.

This rate plan allows you to choose your subscription level in 50 kW blocks, starting at 100 kW (and over). For BEV2 (Secondary) customers, the price of each 50 kW block is $95.56. For BEV2 (Primary) customers, the price of each 50 kW block is $85.98.*

Avoid charging during peak periods to maximize savings.

Consider using demand management software and/or battery storage to reduce your capacity needs and lower your subscription level.

Review EV rate plans for your business

Business Low Use EV Rate - BEV1

Customers who may benefit

This rate plan is designed for smaller businesses with separately metered EV charging equipment and a connected load of 100 kilowatts (kW) or less. Best for smaller workplaces and multi-unit dwellings, such as apartment buildings.


This rate plan allows you to choose your subscription level in 10 kW blocks, up to 100 kW with a price of $12.41 per 10 kW block.

Things to consider

Avoid charging during peak periods to maximize savings.

Consider using demand management software and/or battery storage to reduce your capacity needs and lower your subscription level.

Business High Use EV Rate - BEV2

Customers who may benefit

This rate plan is designed for larger businesses with separately metered EV charging equipment and a connected load of 100 kilowatts (kW) or more. Best for sites with fleets and public fast-charging stations.


This rate plan allows you to choose your subscription level in 50 kW blocks, starting at 100 kW (and over). For BEV2 (Secondary) customers, the price of each 50 kW block is $95.56. For BEV2 (Primary) customers, the price of each 50 kW block is $85.98.*

Things to consider

Avoid charging during peak periods to maximize savings.

Consider using demand management software and/or battery storage to reduce your capacity needs and lower your subscription level.

*The electric grid connects customers to power by way of transmission and distribution lines. Most customers receive (Secondary) power via lower voltage distribution lines. Some customers receive (Primary) power via higher voltage transmission lines.

Enroll in EV rates for business

Step 1: Estimate your connected load

Estimate your connected load by totaling the kW capacity of all EV charging equipment that will be on the meter. Look at the name plate rating on the equipment for kW capacity.


Step 2: Choose your rate plan

  • Business Low Use EV Rate - BEV1
  • Business High Use EV Rate - BEV2


Step 3: Choose your subscription level

Choose a subscription level based on your estimated connected load. You get a grace period of three consecutive billing cycles when you first enroll in any BEV rate option, during which:

  • You won't be charged any overage fees.
  • You'll be notified by email and text message (opt-in required) if your demand exceeds your chosen subscription level.
  • Your subscription level will be automatically adjusted to match your actual demand if an overage occurs in the third billing cycle of your grace period. However, it will not adjust down if your demand is less than your chosen subscription level. In the event of an auto-adjustment, you will need to stay on the auto-adjusted subscription level for the next three billing cycles.


Step 4: Enroll in the BEV rate


After you enroll, adjust your subscription level as needed and start saving money. You can adjust your subscription level throughout your billing cycle as often as you want – until the last day of each billing cycle – to avoid overage fees (if applicable).

Ready to enroll?

Sign in to manage your account or call our Business and Solar Customer Service Center at 1-877-743-4112, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Frequently asked questions about business EV rates

Explore the EV rate savings potential for your business.

Is an electric vehicle right for you?

See if you can lower your energy costs by enrolling in a PG&E EV rate plan.

Tools for choosing rate plans

Online rate analysis

  • See what rate plans PG&E offers.
  • Learn how the different rate plans work.
  • Get a personalized rate analysis.
  • Find your best rate plan.

Low-cost and no-cost energy-saving tips

Find ways to save with very little out-of-pocket expense.

Energy-related glossary

Better understand your energy statement. Learn common energy-related terms.