Medical Baseline Program

Support for customers who depend on power for medical needs

important notice Note: We are updating our website and the online form is down. Please download the printable application/recertification form (PDF). The application must be certified and signed by a qualified medical practitioner. Once completed, please return the completed application via mail or email to We apologize for the inconvenience.

Apply for Medical Baseline.

important notice Note: Are you looking for a printable application form? Download and print the application/recertification form (PDF).

Program overview

The Medical Baseline Program is also known as Medical Baseline Allowance. It assists residential customers who depend on power for certain medical needs. Eligibility and application details can be found below. 

Watch a short video about Medical Baseline.


Are you a medical professional?

Take a few minutes to learn about Medical Baseline. Inform your patients of the benefits and encourage them to apply:

The program offers two kinds of help


Eligibility for the Medical Baseline Program is based on medical conditions or needs—NOT on income. To qualify, a full-time resident in your home must:

  • Have a qualifying medical condition and/or
  • Require use of a qualifying medical device to treat ongoing medical conditions

important notice Note: PG&E only requires one Medical Baseline application per household.


Qualifying medical conditions


Some examples of qualifying medical conditions include:


  • Paraplegic, hemiplegic or quadriplegic condition
  • Multiple sclerosis with heating and/or cooling needs
  • Scleroderma with heating needs
  • Life-threatening illness or compromised immune system. Requires heating and/or cooling to sustain life or prevent medical deterioration
  • Asthma and/or sleep apnea


Qualifying medical devices


Qualifying medical devices include, but are not limited to: 


  • Aerosol tent
  • Air mattress/hospital bed
  • Apnea monitor
  • Breather machine (IPPB)
  • Compressor/concentrator
  • Dialysis machine
  • Electronic nerve stimulator
  • Electrostatic nebulizer
  • Hemodialysis machine
  • Infusion pump
  • Inhalation pulmonary pressure
  • Iron lung
  • Left ventricular assist device (LVAD)
  • Motorized wheelchair/scooter
  • Oxygen generator
  • Pressure pad
  • Pressure pump
  • Pulse oximeter/monitor
  • Respirator (all types)
  • Suction machine
  • Total artificial heart (TAH-t)
  • Ultrasonic nebulizer
  • Vest/airway clearance system


Examples of medical devices that don't qualify

  • Heating pads
  • Humidifiers
  • Pool or tank heaters
  • Saunas or hot tubs
  • Vaporizers
  • Whirlpool pumps

important notice Note: Qualifying medical devices include any medical device used to sustain life. Devices include equipment used for mobility, per a licensed medical practitioner. Devices are for home-use only. Devices used for therapy generally do not qualify.

Apply or recertify

Apply or recertify online

important notice Important Note: The online Medical Baseline application is temporarily unavailable. Please review the Apply or recertify by mail or email section below to apply for the Medical Baseline Program.


  1. Fill out the online form and submit it
  2. You should receive an email with a confirmation number. You will also receive instructions for your doctor.
  3. Share the confirmation number and instructions with your doctor.
  4. Your doctor will fill out their part of the form.
  5. Once your doctor confirms you are eligible, you will be enrolled in the program.

Apply or recertify by mail or email

important notice Important Note: PG&E requires the application to be submitted within 90 days of the Medical Practitioner's signature to maintain the integrity of the application.


  1. Download and print the application/recertification form (PDF).
  2. Complete Part A of the form and sign it.
  3. Have your doctor complete Part B of the form and sign it.
  4. Mail your completed form to:
    PG&E Billing Center Medical Baseline
    P.O. Box 8329
    Stockton, CA 95208
  5. Or email your completed form to:

important notice Note: Email should include the following:

  • PG&E Account Number
  • A PDF attachment of the completed and certified Medical Baseline Application form (Part A and Part B)
  • Include password if the Medical Baseline application PDF form is password protected


Large-print, Braille and audio formats

Do you need Medical Baseline forms in any of the following formats?

  • Large print
  • Braille
  • Audio

Email your request to Include your name, mailing address and phone number. Please allow 5-7 business days for processing.


important notice Note: Deaf or hard-of-hearing customers using TTY may call California Relay Service at 7-1-1.


  1. First, a qualified medical practitioner must certify you as having a permanent qualifying medical condition.
  2. Then, to remain eligible, you must self-certify every four years. This is to confirm you still live at the service address on record. It does not require a qualified medical practitioner's signature.


Are you an active Medical Baseline customer with a non-permanent medical condition? Do you need to recertify to remain eligible?

  1. Go to the Apply or Recertify section of this page.
  2. Follow the steps to complete the application.

Active PG&E Medical Baseline customers who have received an alert to self-certify may do so online. They will receive an immediate confirmation of renewal.


To self-certify:

  1. Sign in with your PG&E online account information. 
    • If you don’t have a PG&E online account, select One-Time Access.
  2. Complete the form and submit it.

To submit a paper self-certification form by mail:

  1. The Medical Baseline Self-Certification form is included with your renewal notification letter. You may also print a copy of the self-certification form (PDF).
  2. Complete form and sign it.
  3. Mail your completed form to:

    PG&E Billing Center
    Medical Baseline
    P.O. Box 8329
    Stockton, CA 95208


Choose your contact preferences

How do want to be notified in the event of a planned or unplanned power outage?

A Medical Baseline FAQ for medical professionals

If you are a medical practitioner or healthcare provider, please review the Medical Practitioner FAQ (PDF). Learn how you can help spread awareness and encourage enrollment in the Medical Baseline Program to further support your patients.

Help for vulnerable customers who do not qualify for Medical Baseline

Are you or is a resident of your home at risk due to a medical condition if your service is disconnected? You may self-certify as a vulnerable customer.

Information for tenants

Help your tenants learn about the Medical Baseline Program. Post this tenant flyer in a common area for their awareness. 

Frequently asked questions

More financial help

Discounted phone service

Discounted phone service is based on your income level or program participation. See if you qualify.


Low-cost home internet

You could receive a $30 monthly discount off fast home internet.