Customer-Specific OFO Notification Process

Frequently Asked Questions

All CGT customers will receive an Initial Notice advising that a Customer-Specific OFO is being called. This notice will be communicated via INSIDEtracc, Pipe Ranger, the CGT Helpline and Scheduling Hotline, E-mail and Text Message (for those subscribing to the Text Message service) by 7:30 a.m., Pacific time, or as soon as possible.


Targeted Notice will go to customers with balancing entities subject to the Customer-Specific OFO. This notice will be communicated via INSIDEtracc and E-mail before 8:00 a.m., PT, or as soon as possible. Please note that Text Message notification is not available for this notice.


The Targeted Notice will detail the following:


OFO Stage


Inventory Level


Noncompliance Charge


Tolerance Band


Customers must run their "900 Report" in order to determine which balancing entities (NBAA, CTA, etc.) are targeted. Balancing entities are shown in the "Relationship Type" column. Noncompliance charges are shown in the "Declared Overage Charge" or "Declared Underage Charge" columns. Balancing entities with noncompliance charges are targeted for and subject to the Customer-Specific OFO. Those balancing entities with no noncompliance charges are not targeted.


To avoid OFO noncompliance charges in a high inventory Customer-Specific OFO, each targeted balancing entity's supply must not exceed its corresponding usage by more than the stated tolerance band. Supply that is lower than corresponding usage is not subject to an OFO noncompliance charge.


To avoid OFO noncompliance charges in a low inventory Customer-Specific OFO, each targeted balancing entity's supply must not fall below its corresponding usage by more than the stated tolerance band. Supply that exceeds corresponding usage is not subject to an OFO noncompliance charge.


Final Notice will go to all CGT customers stating that all customers with targeted balancing entities have been notified. This notice will be communicated via INSIDEtracc, the CGT Helpline and Scheduling Hotline, E-mail and Text Message (for those subscribing to the Text Message service).