Frequently Asked Questions

A - F

As-Available MDQs

How large an MDQ may I request for as-available service ...

Balancing Agent

As a gas marketer, I want to provide balancing services for a noncore end-use customer. What are my options ...

Balancing Cashout

For imbalance cashouts, does the weighted system supply include California production ...

Cogeneration Facilities

Are there advantages for a cogeneration facility to hold backbone transmission ...

Cumulative Imbalance Trading

A Cumulative Imbalance for a noncore customer is the difference between actual usage ...

Cumulative Imbalance Trading - Trading Operating with Cumulative Imbalances

What is an Operating Imbalance ...

Diminished Unused Capacity (DUC)

A pipeline’s capacity volume is set based on its maximum flow potential over a 24-hour period. As the gas day passe ...

Establishing Credit with Pacific Gas and Electric Company

Why must I complete a credit application ...

Expedited Application Docket Contracts

On what paths may EAD contracts take their supply ...

Filling Out Forms

You can fill out certain forms in .pdf documents in Acrobat Reader if you are viewing .pdf documents in your ...


Gas Transmission Service Agreement (GTSA)

If I don't have a Gas Transmission Service Agreement in place can I use California Gas Transmission's ...

Imbalance Trade Operating Band (OP Band)

What are the imbalance trading criteria for using storage ...

Imbalance Trading Charges

What are the charges for imbalance trading into or out of storage ...

Imbalance Trading

Can imbalance trades occur between noncore and core customers ...

Imbalance Trading Tool

Can Market Center account balances be traded using the INSIDE tracc Imbalance Trading tool ...

Local Curtailments

Local Curtailments are implemented to resolve capacity constraint issues in localized sections of PG&E's pipeline system ...


Natural Gas Service Agreement (NGSA)

How does an end-use customer identify a nominating agent ...

Noncore Balancing Aggregation Agreement (NBAA)

How do I get a Noncore Balancing Aggregation Agreement (NBAA) ...

Operating Imbalance Trading

Can I either trade Operating Imbalances or roll them over ...

OFO - Customer-Specific Notification Process

How are customers notified of a Customer-Specific OFO ...


If I want to buy gas at the Citygate from multiple marketers to serve several end-use customers, do I ...


Seasonal Firm Transportation

Does the "consecutive month" requirement apply to G-SFT (Seasonal Firm Transportation) capacity requests ...

Supply and Demand Forecast

The pipeline inventory forecast in Pipe Ranger sometimes changes quite abruptly. This can make ...

Therm Factors

Heating value is the number of British Thermal Units (BTUs) in one cubic foot of natural gas ...