Virtual Net Energy Metering

Learn more about the program

Virtual Net Energy Metering (NEMV)


There are various types of Virtual Net Energy Metering programs, including:


This page is focused on standard NEM2V.


NEM2V allows a "Property" with multiple individually metered accounts to share credits generated by a renewable generator (e.g., solar PV system) to offset their respective charges. The meter of the generating account monitors the amount of total renewable generation and should have no load other than that required by the renewable generator. The kWh allocated to each benefitting account is based on a percentage of the solar-generated electricity as predetermined by the property owner or manager.



Criteria for NEM2V includes:

  • The generator needs to be sized to produce no more than the total annual energy consumption (kWh) of all benefitting accounts.
  • All benefiting meters must be on the same property as the renewable generating meter.
  • The building must have service through PG&E, a CCA or an ESP.
  • A customer can have only one generating account per arrangement. (Exception: MASH and SOMAH Virtual NEM systems are permitted more than one generating account).
  • The benefiting meters must not participate in another net energy metering or RES-BCT program.
  • The generating account can have no load other than that required for the renewable generating system.
  • The generating account and all the benefitting accounts must be on an applicable TOU rate.


A Property is defined as:

All of the real property and apparatus employed in a single multitenant or multi-meter facility on contiguous parcels of land. These parcels may be divided by a dedicated street, highway or public thoroughfare or railway, so long as they are otherwise contiguous, part of the same single multi-tenant or multi-meter facility, and all under the same ownership.