©2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company
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Get started with 5 key strategies
To control your energy usage, manage your bill and save money, it’s helpful to:
- Understand your bill.
- Make sure you are on the best rate and know when rates are lowest.
- Insulate your home to keep the warm or cool air inside and block the outside air from coming in.
- Find discounts and programs that can save you money. Get help with past due bills.
- Find payment options to help manage your bill.
Understand your bill
Your bill shows:
- How much energy you used
- What the price was per kilowatt hour
Solar, Community Choice Aggregators (CCA) or Core Transport Agents (CTA)
Solar customers
If you use more electricity than your solar panels produce, you pay for that extra electricity in a True Up bill. For most customers, the True Up bill comes once a year.
Community Choice Aggregator (CCA) customers
- More than 50% of PG&E’s customers buy their electricity from a third party called a CCA.
- If you see another company’s name on your bill, you are buying electricity from them but paying PG&E to transport that electricity to your home.
- PG&E sends one combined bill.
Core Transport Agent (CTA) customers
- If you have chosen to buy gas from another company, their name can be found on the gas portion of your bill.
- PG&E transports the gas to your home and sends one combined bill.
Lower your usage
To manage your usage, it's helpful to understand your usage. PG&E has tools to help you.
Sign in to better understand your usage
In your online account, you’ll be able to:
- Compare one bill to another
- View hourly usage
- Take a Home Energy Checkup to show where you could use less energy
- See your projected bill
- Set up bill forecast alerts so you know when your bill is trending higher than expected.
Strategies to manage your usage
Once you understand your usage, you can manage it. Here are three key strategies:
Use less energy
Many things can drive your usage up, from having more guests at home to leaving appliances plugged in when they aren't in use.
Lose less energy
Insulate your home to keep the warm or cool air inside and block the outside air from coming in.
Use energy at the right time of day
If you're on a time-of-use rate plan, use electricity when rates are lowest.
Find your lowest rate
PG&E rate analysis tool
Use our rate analysis tool to review your current usage. We’ll help you find:
- The lowest rate
- How much you could save by switching plans
The right rate plan can save you money
Make sure you are on the best rate plan for your needs.
Find financial assistance and rebates
PG&E has three types of programs
- Income-based programs
- Medical-based programs—for those who use medical devices that require energy
- Rebate and incentive programs
Income-based financial assistance programs
California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE)
The CARE program offers a monthly discount of 20% or more on your energy bill.
Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA)
The FERA program offers an 18% discount on your monthly energy bill.
Energy Saving Assistance Program (ESA)
The ESA program makes free upgrades to your home to help lower your energy usage.
Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
LIHEAP offers one-time payment or home improvement assistance.
Relief for Energy Assistance through Community Help (REACH)
REACH can provide a payment on behalf of those with a past due balance.
Arrearage Management Plan (AMP)
AMP offers debt forgiveness for those who are past due on their PG&E bill.
Medical-based financial assistance programs
Medical Baseline Program
Medical Baseline increases the amount of energy you can use at our lowest rate.
Rebate and incentive programs
Dedicated energy coach through HomeIntel
A free, home energy audit and personal energy coach through HomeIntel.
Find payment options
Payment arrangements
If you are past due on your bill, PG&E will work with you to split your past due balance into smaller pieces.
Extended due date
Are you past due on your PG&E bill, but expect to pay it in full? PG&E may be able to extend your due date.
Budget Billing
Ways to pay your PG&E bill
Find all your bill payment options in one convenient place.
More energy-saving resources
Bill Forecast Alert
A free and easy tool that sends an alert when your monthly bill is projected to exceed an amount you set. Get alerts by:
- Text
- Phone
Connect to the Apple Home app
Access and understand electricity usage and rate plan information, right from your Apple device.
©2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company