PG&E's Solar Choice program

Discover PG&E's Solar Choice program

Supplier Information for PG&E's Solar Choice program (PG&E's Green Tariff Shared Renewables Program)


PG&E's Solar Choice program, part of the Green Tariff Shared Renewables (GTSR) Program under Senate Bill 43, was created to expand access to renewable energy resources. The program facilitates a way for the following types of customers to meet their electrical needs with generation from renewable energy resources:


  • Institutional customers
  • Commercial customers
  • Individual customers


Get more information on Senate Bill 43, established by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) in Decision 15-01-051 on February 2, 2015. Download Decision Approving Green Tariff Shared Renewables Program for San Diego Gas & Electric Company, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, and Southern California Edison Company Pursuant to Senate Bill 43 (PDF).


The decision requires the investor-owned utilities to begin advanced procurement for the program under the sixth Renewable Auction Mechanism (RAM 6). PG&E filed and received approval on a modification to the existing RAM Program Protocol and Appendices, which included components specific to the PG&E's Solar Choice program.


In addition, D.15-01-051 requires that PG&E's Solar Choice program seek Green-e Energy Certification from the Center for Resource Solutions. The certification helps customers and businesses ensure that they're reducing the environmental impact of their electricity use. Get more details on Green-e Energy.




Get details about our PG&E's Solar Choice program.


Visit Community Renewable Programs


Participation in the current Solar Choice solicitation


PG&E has established the website where Suppliers can view and get information on all electric power RFOs, including Solar Choice.

Contact us

For customer questions about our PG&E's Solar Choice program, email us at

For solar developer questions about our PG&E's Solar Choice program, email us at