ReMAT Feed-in Tariff

Long-term wholesale electric energy contracts to eligible generators



PG&E's Electric-Renewable Market Adjusting Tariff (E-ReMAT) became effective on July 24, 2013. E-ReMAT was established by CPUC Decisions (D.) 12-05-035 (PDF) and (D.) 13-05-034 (PDF) to implement Senate Bill (SB) 32, which increased the statewide procurement renewable target from 500 MW to 750 MW (applicable to both investor owned utilities and public owned utilities) and increased the eligible project size from 1.5 MW to 3 MW (AC). PG&E began accepting Program Participation Requests (PPRs) on October 2, 2013. The first ReMAT Program Period commenced on November 1, 2013. The E-ReMAT Program was suspended by the CPUC in December 2017 pursuant to a federal district court order. Following the suspension, the CPUC revised the program in CPUC Decision (D.) 20-10-005 (PDF). The revised E-ReMAT Program became effective on January 22, 2021. PG&E resumed accepting PPRs on February 5, 2021.


Tariff & PPA



ReMAT Capacity Allocation, Categories & Pricing


Per D. 12-05-035, PG&E was allocated 218.8 MW of the 750 MW total statewide goal. This capacity allocation, reduced by capacity contracted for under the E-PWF and E-SRG tariffs, was made available under the E-ReMAT Tariff. There are three Product Types: As-Available Peaking, As-Available Non-Peaking, and Baseload.  The ReMAT pricing mechanism is described in Section H of the E-ReMAT Tariff.




To learn about eligibility requirements, pricing, terms and the application process, please refer to PG&E's E-ReMAT Tariff and ReMAT Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).


How to Apply


To apply for the ReMAT program, you must register as an Applicant on PG&E's ReMAT online platform (powered by Accion Group) and submit a PPR here: ReMAT Feed-in Tariff platform. Program materials, instruction guides and more are available to non-registered visitors of the site under the Program Documents tab.


Interconnection Information


For information on the interconnection process, please visit Wholesale Electric Generator Distribution Interconnection (EGI). Here you can find Fast Track and Independent/Cluster Study interconnection process overviews, FAQs, and a link to the EGI’s online application form. Interested applicants can apply to interconnect through the Wholesale Distribution Tariff (WDT) or Electric Rule 21. Please review the website to determine which is best suited to your project. You may also send an email to EGI at for WDT or for Electric Rule 21 questions.

Contact Information


For information or questions about PG&E's Renewable Feed-in-Tariffs email


To receive updates on PG&E’s ReMAT program, register on the ReMAT Feed-in Tariff platform.


For updates on other wholesale electric power procurement solicitations, you may also sign up for our RFO distribution list.




If you encounter any digital or disability access issues, or you would like to provide PG&E with feedback or suggestions regarding such access, please e-mail our team at  This mailbox is monitored during regular business hours (M-F; 8am-5pm).  We will respond to your inquiry within 2 business days.

More resources

Wholesale electric power procurement

PG&E purchases wholesale electric energy and capacity from generators and suppliers.