Taking responsibility for our environmental practices

Upholding our commitment to communities

PG&E is addressing and overseeing the cleanup of legacy contamination resulting from our historic operations. Our environmental remediation department carries out this work in support of:

  • Our stand that everything and everyone is always safe
  • Increasing prosperity by unlocking sites for future use 
Map with locations of manufactured gas plant projects; power plants, landfills, service centers and utility operations; and Chromium projects within the PG&E service territory.

As part of this commitment, we:

  • Leverage the best practices to reduce greenhouse gas and remove contamination sustainably
  • Engage a wide variety of stakeholders, guided by transparent communication plans 
  • Invest in community benefits, like local hire and regional programs


If you have questions, call 1-866-247-0581 or email

Our work

Addressing historic gas plant sites and former utility facilities


Before natural gas was available, utility plants across the nation converted coal and oil into gas. Many of these gas plants closed over a century ago. However, some locations still contain residues in soil and groundwater from this process. This is because it was common practice at the time to bury residues underground.


Today, PG&E is voluntarily taking action to address our former Manufactured Gas Plants (MGPs). We work under the oversight of state agencies such as:

  • The California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)
  • The California Regional Water Quality Control Board (Water Board)
  • Local agencies


Our MGP program includes a strong community education and outreach component. It strives to minimize impacts while benefiting the communities we work in.


PG&E is addressing impacts by remediating soil and groundwater at:

  • Power plants the company formerly owned and operated
  • Substations
  • Natural gas gathering stations


The work is performed with oversight from federal, state and local agencies.



Protecting our vital resources through chromium cleanup
PG&E continues to remediate chromium-6 in groundwater resulting from historical operations at the Hinkley and Topock Compressor Stations. For an overview, visit Compressor Stations. For details about a specific station, visit:
Guiding sustainable remediation

PG&E uses sustainable management and principles throughout the entire life cycle of remediation projects. These practices were developed with DTSC and industry experts and include:

  • Using proven, innovative technologies to reduce greenhouse gas impacts
  • Using local vendor and hire programs
  • Recycling as much material as possible


In 2023, PG&E reduced its:

  • Cumulative greenhouse gas emissions by more than 400 metric tons
  • Liquid wastes by more than half a million gallons


In addition, we recycled 36,000 tons of offsite waste. We also added $17 million to the local economies near our project sites. This was achieved by sourcing equipment and vendors from the local community. 



Engaging our stakeholders

For more than three decades, we have partnered with:

  • Stakeholders
  • Regulatory agencies  
  • Communities


Engaging our community stakeholders is a vital component of our efforts. Locally, we communicate with city leaders, local businesses, community groups and residents to:

  • Promote awareness
  • Solicit feedback
  • Identify issues of interest with our projects


We partner on initiatives to address these issues, including:

  • Local hiring
  • Workforce training
  • Local school STEM initiatives


Often our remediation efforts facilitate additional community investment, such as:

  • Brownfield redevelopment
  • Infill development
  • Affordable housing


Finally, we share best practices and benchmark our efforts against other energy companies and industries. This includes the Manufactured Gas Plant Consortium, a peer group of remediation experts from gas providers across the nation.

Contact us


If you have additional questions, call our environmental remediation hotline at 1-866-247-0581 or email