Grid status

Check energy system status

Electric outage details


Visit our electric outage map page to view all known outages or to report an outage. You can also sign up to receive outage alerts.


View or report an electric outage



Current grid status

Grid status: 

As of:  

Note: For information on current grid status conditions, refer to the EEA Notification Levels chart.

Notifications and load reduction programs

EEA notification levels chart


The California Independent System Operator (CAISO) oversees the operation of PG&E's transmission system and is responsible for scheduling power generation to match expected demands. When the CAISO declares an electric capacity emergency, PG&E uses the following energy emergency alerts to notify our commercial and industrial customers of impending curtailments of power.

When rotating outages are planned, enter your address in the Outage Center to find out if you'll be affected. 

Learn more about California Independent System Operator (CAISO) load reduction programs. Visit California ISO.

Additional resources

View the status of the grid

View charts showing today’s grid status and the role that renewable energy plays on CAISO's website.