Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA)

Households of three or more can save on their electricity bill

Are you looking for the FERA enrollment or renewal form?

The Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) program helps eligible customers pay their energy bill. Income-qualified customers get an 18% monthly discount on electric rates. Participants must be a household with three or more people.


Are you looking for information about how to submit income documentation for FERA? Learn how.


Are you looking for the FERA post-enrollment verification request form? View a list of post-enrollment verification forms.


important notice Note: FERA and CARE share one application. If you do not qualify for FERA, we will check to see if you qualify for CARE. Learn more about CARE. In addition, other financial assistance resources and support are available.


To qualify for FERA:

  • The PG&E bill must be in your name.
    • If you're a sub-metered tenant, you must have the landlord’s energy bill in your name.
  • You must live at the address to which the discount applies.
  • Another person (besides your spouse) can’t claim you as a dependent on an income tax return.
  • You must account for all sources of qualifying household income.
  • You must notify PG&E if your household no longer qualifies for the FERA discount.
  • You must meet the program income guidelines.
  • After you enroll, you may need to provide proof of qualifying household income.
    • A household must include three or more people.


Income guidelines

Your eligibility is based on your household income. To calculate your household income:

  1. Add all household members' incomes from all eligible sources for your total gross annual household income.
  2. Compare your total combined gross annual household income against the income guidelines table below. 

important notice Note: Your household must be at or below the amounts shown in the income guidelines table below.


Household income includes all taxable and nontaxable revenues from all people living in the home. It includes, but is not limited to:

  • Wages
  • Salaries
  • Interest and dividends
  • Spousal and child support payments
  • Public assistance payments
  • Social Security and pensions
  • Housing and military subsidies
  • Rental income
  • Self-employment income
  • All employment-related, non-cash income

FERA income guidelines

Number of persons in household Total gross annual household income*


Not eligible

















Each additional person, add


*Income should be before taxes and based on current income sources. Valid through May 31, 2025.


New enrollment


important notice Note: Are you a sub-metered tenant? View  information about how to enroll in, renew and cancel FERA


If your household meets the eligibility requirements, the online form takes only a few minutes to fill out.

  • No additional documentation is needed at the time of application.
  • Your answers are confidential.

Apply for FERA online


Online applications in English, Spanish and Chinese:

Mail-in applications in English, Spanish, Chinese and Vietnamese:

Large-print, mail-in applications in English, Spanish, Chinese and Vietnamese:

    How do I submit a FERA application?

    First, complete and sign the application. Next, submit your application using one of the following ways:

    PG&E CARE/FERA program
    P.O. Box 29647
    Oakland, CA 94604-9647


    Fax: 1-877-302-7563

    Email the completed application to


    Write "FERA application" in the email's subject line. Remember to attach your application to the email.

    How do I submit a FERA application for sub-metered tenants?

    First, complete and sign the application. Next, submit your application using one of the following ways:

    PG&E CARE/FERA program
    P.O. Box 29647
    Oakland, CA 94604-9647


    Fax: 1-877-302-7563

    Email the completed application to


    Write "Sub-metered tenant application" in the email's subject line. Remember to attach your application to the email.

    Renew enrollment for sub-metered tenants

    You must renew your enrollment every two years—or four years if you are on a fixed income. We'll remind you when it's time to re-enroll. Here's how it works:

    • PG&E sends a renewal application three months before your discount expires.
    • If you still qualify under the current program guidelines, you reapply for FERA.
      • Use the same enrollment methods as previously described. 

    Have you received a renewal request?

    If you've received a renewal request, renew now. You may also renew if you're within 90 days of the date your current enrollment expires.


    Tenants of sub-metered residential facilities CANNOT use the online CARE application. To apply for CARE, you must download and print an application: 


    Cancel enrollment for sub-metered tenants

    To cancel your enrollment and/or opt out of future CARE communications, email


    important notice Note: Check your PG&E bill to see if you're already enrolled in CARE/FERA or another program. Learn how to read your bill.


    Are you currently enrolled?

    Find the programs you're enrolled in and your total FERA savings on your PG&E bill:


    How to keep saving with FERA

    important notice Note: We may ask for proof of your eligibility in the future. This is to maximize the discounts available through FERA. 

    Post-enrollment verification

    What is post-enrollment verification?

    After enrolling in FERA, you may receive a letter from PG&E that explains your household has been randomly selected to proof of income.


    important notice Note: If we do not hear from you by the date specified in the email or letter, your discount will be removed.


    For a list of documents accepted for income verification, please refer to page 2 of the FERA Post-Enrollment Verification Request Form (PDF).

    How do I download the post-enrollment verification form?
    Download the FERA Post-Enrollment Verification Request Form (PDF). Forms and guides in languages other than English can be found below.

    How do I submit the FERA Post Enrollment Verification form and documents?
    Complete and submit your signed verification form and income documentation in one of the following ways:

    There are two ways to submit your post-enrollment verification form online. Sign into your account:


    If you see a red "alerts banner" at the top of your screen:

    1. Select "Show More" to open additional alerts.
    2. Find PG&E's request to submit income verification documents.
    3. Select the link and follow the steps to complete your income verification.



    If you do not see a red "alerts banner" at the top of your screen:

    1. Go to “Payment Options" -->
    2. "Assistance Programs" -->
    3. "CARE/FERA" -->
    4. "Verify your income."

    Mail or fax the completed, signed and dated FERA PEV form to:

    PG&E CARE/FERA program
    P.O. Box 29647
    Oakland, CA 94604-9647


    Fax: 1-877-302-7563

    Email the completed application to


    Write "FERA PEV" in the email's subject line. Remember to attach your:

    1. Completed, signed and dated FERA PEV form
    2. FERA proof of income documents

    Verification process for high usage participants

    Who is selected for high usage post-enrollment verification? 

    Customers whose energy usage exceeds:

    Where can I download a verification form?
    Download the FERA Program High Usage Verification Form (PDF). Forms and guides in languages other than English can be found below.


    How do I submit the High Usage Post-Enrollment Verification Form?

    There are two ways to submit your post-enrollment verification form online. Sign into your account:


    If you see a red "alerts banner" at the top of your screen:

    1. Select "Show More" to open additional alerts.
    2. Find PG&E's request to submit income verification documents.
    3. Select the link and follow the steps to complete your income verification.



    If you do not see a red "alerts banner" at the top of your screen:

    1. Go to “Payment Options" -->
    2. "Assistance Programs" -->
    3. "CARE/FERA" -->
    4. "Verify your income."

    Mail or fax the completed, signed and dated FERA PEV Form to:

    PG&E CARE/FERA program
    P.O. Box 29647
    Oakland, CA 94604-9647


    Fax: 1-877-302-7563

    Email the completed application to


    Write "FERA PEV" in the email's subject line. Remember to attach your:

    1. Completed, signed and dated FERA PEV form
    2. FERA income eligibility documents

    Forms and guides

    FERA resources

    Scroll down to find the following PDF documents:

    • FERA enrollment print applications
    • FERA enrollment sub-metered tenants print applications
    • Other FERA print applications
    • Post-enrollment verification request forms
    • Post-enrollment verification forms for high usage
    • Guide to required income documentation
    • Understand your bill
    • Baseline Allowance
    • Money-saving tips

    Most forms are available in:

    • English
    • Large-print English
    • Español
    • 中文
    • Việt

    Frequently asked questions

    FERA program FAQ

    Still can't find an answer to your question? Email

    Post-enrollment verification FAQ

    High usage customers FAQ



    Energy Savings Assistance

    • Are you enrolled in FERA?
    • Do you own or rent a house, apartment or mobile home that is five years or older?

    You may qualify for the Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) program.

    More resources and support

    Additional discounts

    Find information about discounts on phone and internet services.

    Take the Home Energy Checkup

    • Take the 5-minute Home Energy Checkup.
    • Identify sources of wasted energy in your household.
    • Get a custom savings plan to lower monthly bills.

    Budget Billing

    Budget Billing is a free tool that averages your annual energy costs to help you manage your bills.

    • Level out monthly payments.
    • Offset high seasonal bills.