Affiliate transactions

Recent transactions between PG&E, PG&E Corporation, and its affiliates

important notice icon Note: The following content was provided as of the date posted and does not reflect later changes to entity status or classification.



On January 10, 2024, Pacific Gas and Electric Company formed a new non-Rule II.B affiliate, PacGen Holding Company, to hold interests in Pacific Generation LLC for tax purposes.

Posted January 11, 2024


On October 11, 2023, Pacific Gas and Electric Company formed a new non-Rule II.B affiliate, Pacific Energy Risk Solutions LLC, to serve as a captive insurance company to transact insurance and manage PG&E’s wildfire self-insurance program.

Posted October 13, 2023


On September 26, 2022, Pacific Gas and Electric Company formed a new non-Rule II.B affiliate, Pacific Generation LLC (Pacific Generation), to potentially own and manage non-nuclear generation assets. In the event the proposed transaction is approved by the Commission, upon the closing of the transaction Pacific Generation would become a rate-regulated generation utility subject to cost-of-service regulation by the Commission.

Posted September 29, 2022


On March 8, 2022, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) formed a new non-Rule II.B affiliate, PG&E Wildfire Recovery Funding LLC (PWRF). PWRF was formed to purchase, own and administer recovery property, issue recovery bonds secured by recovery property, and perform activities incidental thereto. PG&E is the sole member of PWRF. 

Posted March 10, 2022 


On June 4, 2021, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) formed a new non-Rule II.B affiliate, PG&E Recovery Funding LLC (PRF). PRF was formed to purchase, own and administer recovery property, issue recovery bonds secured by recovery property, and perform activities incidental thereto. PG&E is the sole member of PRF.

Posted June 8, 2021


On March 18, 2021, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) formed a new non-Rule II.B affiliate, PG&E ShareCo LLC. PG&E ShareCo LLC was formed for the sole purpose of holding shares of PG&E Corporation to be exchanged with the PG&E Fire Victim Trust to allow PG&E Corporation to make a grantor trust election for U.S., state, and local income tax purposes.
Posted April 13, 2021


On May 18, 2020, Pacific Gas and Electric Company formed a new non-Rule II.B affiliate, PG&E AR Facility, LLC. PG&E AR Facility, LLC was formed for potential accounts receivable securitization transactions.
Posted May 20, 2020


On July 30, 2012, Pacific Gas and Electric Company acquired an interest in a new Rule II.B affiliate, STARS Alliance, LLC. STARS Alliance, LLC was formed by Southern California Edison Company (SCE), and five other nuclear power plant operators, to increase efficiency and reduce costs associated with the operation of the members' nuclear power generation facilities.
Posted August 2, 2012


Pacific Gas and Electric Company formed a new non–Rule II.B affiliate, PG&E Real Estate, LLC. PG&E Real Estate, LLC is currently inactive but may be used in the future for real estate activities.
Posted November 8, 2010


On October 13, 2010, PG&E Corporation changed the name of PG&E Ventures, LLC to PCG Capital, Inc.
Posted on October 14, 2010


PG&E Corporation has formed a new Rule II.B affiliate, Sequoia Pacific Solar I, LLC. Sequoia Pacific Solar I, LLC is being formed to own and manage solar photovoltaic projects with host customers in a variety of states
Posted on September 21, 2010


PG&E Corporation formed a new Rule II.B affiliate, SunRun Pacific Solar LLC. SunRun Pacific Solar LLC is being formed to own and manage solar photovoltaic projects with host customers in a variety of states.
Posted on June 2, 2010


On May 7, 2010, PG&E Corporation formed three new affiliates; Pacific Energy Capital II, LLC, Pacific Energy Capital III, LLC, and Pacific Energy Capital IV, LLC. Additionally, PG&E Corporation has changed the name of Pacific Venture Capital, LLC to Pacific Energy Capital I, LLC.


Pacific Energy Capital II, LLC, Pacific Energy Capital III, LLC and Pacific Energy Capital IV are being formed to establish and manage a portfolio of passive financial investments in growing energy companies. Pacific Energy Capital I, LLC has not changed its business description. All four entities are Rule II.B affiliates.
Posted on May 7, 2010

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