©2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company
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Discover how much of your home energy goes to heating, hot water, appliances, lighting and other uses.
It's fast, easy and costs you nothing:
- Answer a few basic questions about your home and how you use energy
- Get an estimate of what’s using energy in your home
- Get personalized suggestions that can help save energy and costs
Increase your monthly savings
Get simple ways to save
Where does most of your home's energy go? Take the checkup. Understand how much you spend on uses such as heating, hot water, appliances and lighting.
More ways to lower your energy bill
Financial assistance programs
Find out whether your household qualifies for a monthly discount on your energy bill and enroll.
Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) program
Explore no-cost home energy improvements for income-qualified homes that are at least five years old.
Medical Baseline Program
Help for residential customers who depend on power for certain medical needs.
©2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company