Applicant Designer Qualification and Applicant Installer Prequalification Programs

How to become a PG&E-Qualified Applicant designer and/or Applicant Installer

Before proceeding, please review the requirements for the Applicant Designer Qualification exam and the Applicant Installer Pre-Qualification program.


To register for the APPLICANT INSTALLER Pre-Qualification Program (applicable to anyone performing work to INSTALL PG&E gas and/or electric facilities (Trenching, backfill, installing conduit, poles, substructures, equipment pads, gas piping, etc.)), please send an email to PG& for further instructions. Please provide your company name on your email.


To register for the APPLICANT DESIGNER Qualification Exam (applicable to anyone DESIGNING PG&E gas and/or electric facilities for submittal to PG&E for review), please send an email to for further instructions. Please provide your company name on your email.

Applicant Designer Qualification Program Overview

In April 2018, PG&E implemented the Applicant Designer Qualification Program. The program was launched in response to California Public Utilities Commission's Decision 97-12-099. The Decision approved Applicant Design as a regular utility tariff option. It also allowed utilities to prequalify designers in order to promote quality design and minimize the number of plan checks.

Review the requirements and register

Designers must meet prequalification requirements before participating in the program.

For more information, download the Applicant Designer Qualification Program Overview (PDF)

Once you understand the prequalification process, register for the program. You'll receive instructions for scheduling your exam and a list of reference materials.

Find the current PG&E Qualified Applicant Designers

See our lists of gas and electric applicant designers prequalified to date.

Download the Qualified Electric Applicant Designer List (PDF)

Download the Qualified Gas Applicant Designer List (PDF)

important notice Note: PG&E's publication of the Qualified Applicant Designer lists does not constitute any approval, endorsement or guarantee of the financial stability or service quality of the entities included. PG&E is not responsible and cannot be held liable for the accuracy, completeness or validity of these lists.

Understanding applicant design and installation responsibilities

Applicant Installer Pre-Qualification Requirements

Download list of Qualified Applicant Installers (XLSX)


Applicants shall ensure that installers, including all contractors and subcontractors, hired by Applicant to install gas and electric facilities (“Applicant Installers”) must conform to all PG&E requirements.  Applicants will be permitted to utilize only PG&E approved Applicant Installers who obtain and maintain pre-qualification status through Industrial Training Services (ITS) and in accordance with the below requirements. PG&E has made the list of pre-qualified Applicant Installers available on its Building & Renovation website.   

Pre-Qualification – Gas

  1. All personnel performing installation work shall complete PG&E’s Safety, Quality, and Conduct assessment in ITS.
  2. Must provide installation tools and equipment that meet PG&E requirements as specified in the applicable standards and procedures.
  3. Must complete and pass Applicant Installer Gas As-Built Redlines web-based training in ITS for any and all individuals completing or redlining “as-built” documentation and commit to delivering “as-builts” within 10 business days of completion of final leak test.
  4. Must have a trained and designated excavation competent person as defined by Cal-OSHA Excavation construction safety orders to be onsite for all trench and excavation entry.
  5. Must obtain and maintain required operator qualifications per the most current published version of QG-4008 Guide to Operator Qualifications (Gas Pipeline Contractors), and adhere to minimum span of control where required for installation of gas facilities per 49 CFR Part 192, Subpart N, and California Public Utilities Commission General Order (GO) 112-F.  
  6. Must have a compliant Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) drug and alcohol testing program, per 49 CFR Part 199, Subparts B&C, submitted in NCMS (National Compliance Monitoring System).

Pre-Qualification – Electric

  1. All personnel performing installation work shall complete PG&E’s Safety, Quality, and Conduct assessment in ITS.
  2. Must provide installation tools and equipment that meet PG&E requirements as specified in the applicable standards and procedures.
  3. Must complete and pass relevant technical competency assessments in ITS as applicable to the work being performed.
  4. Must have a trained and designated excavation competent person as defined by Cal-OSHA Excavation construction safety orders to be onsite for all trench and excavation entry.


Any costs associated with rework required as a result of non-qualified Applicant Installers shall be borne by the Applicant.  


PG&E’s Right to Revoke Applicant Installer Pre-Qualification


PG&E reserves the right to revoke Applicant Installer pre-qualification and ability to install PG&E assets for willful, serious, or repeated breaches of safety, conduct, poor quality or non-compliant work, or failure to comply with DOT regulations per 49 CFR Part 199, when applicable.  Breaches of conduct include, but are not limited to, disrespectful, offensive, threatening or intimidating language, actions or behavior towards PG&E personnel. Reinstatement of pre-qualification status will be considered upon submittal and adherence to a documented corrective action plan. 


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