Electric Home Rate Plan Now Available to Most Residential Solar Customers With an EV, Battery Storage or Electric Heat Pump

Date: September 01, 2023
Images of a battery storage, electric charging station, and an electric heat pump

Qualifying Customers on the Electric Home Rate Plan Can Reduce Energy Costs by Adjusting When They Use Electricity


The Electric Home Rate Plan, which was rolled out earlier this year for residential non-solar customers with qualifying electric technologies, is now available to most residential solar customers. Eligible customers with a registered electric vehicle (EV) or plug-in hybrid EV, battery storage, or electric heat pump for water heating or climate control (space heating or cooling) may save on their electric bills by shifting usage to lower priced times of day, when there is less demand on the grid.  


The Electric Home Rate Plan includes a $15 monthly base services charge, which lowers the prices for each unit of energy (KWh), on average, compared to other residential rate plans. The lowest prices on the plan are available during the off-peak period between midnight-3 p.m. Partial-peak prices apply to usage between 3-4 p.m. and 9 p.m.-midnight, and the peak prices are from 4-9 p.m.  

Electric home rate clock

Direct Access and Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) Generation Service customers, who purchase energy from their non-utility provider and continue receiving delivery services from PG&E, may also qualify to participate in the rate program.  


The Electric Home Rate Plan aligns with California Senate Bill 1020 by providing an option for customers working toward electrification that support the state’s climate and clean energy goals.  


Customers can learn more about the rate plan and enroll at pge.com/electrichome.


PG&E rate plans  


PG&E offers a variety of rate plans and resources to help customers save on their bills. Customers are encouraged to choose the plan that works best for them: