Relief for Energy Assistance through Community Help (REACH)

Get help paying your energy bill during a crisis

In 2024, PG&E's $55 million donation to REACH assisted nearly 58,000 customers with their past due energy bills. For over 41 years, the REACH program has helped low-income families keep their utility services turned on in times of hardship.


The REACH program helps you pay for energy during a crisis. REACH provides an energy credit for up to $300 based on the past due bill (energy credit support is subject to funding availability). PG&E contracts with Dollar Energy Fund to accept and process assistance requests for the PG&E REACH program.


To be eligible for assistance from the REACH program you must:


  • Have a residential account with PG&E in the name of an adult living in the household
  • Have received either a 15-day or a 48-hour disconnection notice 
  • Not have received REACH assistance within the past 12 months 
  • Have household income that does not exceed the REACH income guidelines, which are currently 200 percent above the federal poverty guidelines. The same income guidelines are used for the CARE program. Review those guidelines on the CARE Program page.

important notice Note: This is not an all-inclusive list and is subject to periodic modifications. All guidelines are established by the REACH program.


REACH Customer Application Process:

  1. Apply online at Dollar Energy Fund website.
  2. If you need additional assistance, find an agency in your county to contact.

Shutoff for nonpayment is a last resort

Here's how PG&E works with its customers to avoid the disconnection of service.

customer outreach process before disconnect

important notice Note: Customers are encouraged to enroll in assistance programs at any point in the process.

Apply for Vulnerable Customer Status

Does a service shutoff risk your life or health?

Arrange more time to pay

Having trouble paying your bill on time or in full? Set up a payment arrangement to extend your due date.


Donate to REACH and help low-income families in crisis


The REACH program is funded through generous donations from individuals, PG&E employees, and Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E).

To donate to the REACH program and help low-income families in your community, you can make a one-time contribution or set up monthly donations.

  • To make a one-time tax-deductible donation online, visit Dollar Energy Fund.
  • To make monthly donations, use the form below.


If you need help completing this form, please call 1-877-660-6789.


*indicates required field

More financial assistance

Programs to manage energy bills

Find PG&E programs and community outreach projects designed to help you manage your energy bills.

Get third-party alerts

Help a friend or relative avoid a service shutoff due to an overlooked PG&E bill. Get third-party alerts, Know when their bills come due.

Low-cost home internet options

Some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) offer discounted broadband plans for eligible customers, based on household income, participation in assistance programs, and more.