Demand response programs for businesses

Your business could save or earn money by adjusting its energy usage

Enroll in a demand response program


important notice icon Note: Some private companies contract with PG&E, while others are independent. Visit third-party programs or Rule 24 to learn more.


Want to learn more about demand response? Take a free on-demand course to learn how to earn incentives for your business by reducing energy use during times of high demand. Sign up for Demand Response Programs 101.

Peak Day Pricing (PDP)

Peak Day Pricing is an optional rate that offers businesses a discount on regular summer electricity rates in exchange for higher prices during Peak Day Pricing Event Days.*


Between nine and 15 Peak Day Pricing Event Days occur each year, typically on the hottest days of the summer. By reducing your electricity use on Peak Day Pricing Event Days, you help keep California's energy supply reliable for everyone and may save your business money.


Learn more about Peak Day Pricing


*Effective summer rates are lower after Peak Day Pricing credits have been applied, but effective rates are higher during Peak Day Pricing event hours.

Base Interruptible Program (BIP)

The Base Interruptible Program (BIP) is intended to provide load reduction on PG&E's system on a day-of basis when the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) issues a curtailment notice.


Customers enrolled in the program will be required to reduce their load down to or below its Firm Service Level (FSL).

Manage your Base Interruptible Program account

Applications for the Base Interruptible Program are accepted year-round.

Contact your PG&E account representative for further details.

Capacity Bidding Program (CBP)

Capacity Bidding Program (CBP) is an aggregator managed program. It operates with a Day-Ahead option and runs May 1 through October 31. However, it is promoted year-round. There are numerous aggregators participating in CBP. The CBP program is open for new aggregators.


Each aggregator is responsible for designing their own demand response program as well as:

  • Customer acquisition
  • Marketing sales
  • Retention
  • Support
  • Event alert tactics

Capacity Bidding Program overview

Capacity Bidding Program event information

Capacity Bidding Program eligibility

Capacity Bidding Program third-party aggregators

Emergency Load Reduction Program (ELRP)

The Emergency Load Reduction Program (ELRP) is a seven-year pilot program that offers financial incentives for participating businesses to reduce their energy use during times of high grid stress and emergencies, with the goal of avoiding rotating outages while minimizing costs to customers. Once enrolled, participation in events is voluntary and there is no penalty for not participating.


To learn about how your business can participate in ELRP, visit our program partner Olivine.


Visit our program partner Olivine

Optional Binding Mandatory Curtailment (OBMC) Plan

Avoid rotating outages in tight demand periods. Reduce the entire electric circuit load of your facility. 

Useful information for OBMC

For detailed information on OBMC, please review the tariffs (PDF) for this program.

Automated Demand Response

Automated Demand Response (ADR) is an easy way for your business to save energy and money — no matter the industry. ADR lets you automate the energy controls you choose.


You can:

  • Get up to 75 percent off start-up costs
  • Receive $200 incentive per kW for approved projects
  • Reach your sustainability goals through credits towards LEED, NetZero and more.


For more information on the application options and process download the program manual (PDF).


For a free assessment of how your business can lower energy use, call 1-855-866-2205 or email


Request more information for your business

Success stories


Sara Neff

"With the Automated Demand Response program incentives, we were able to improve operating flexibility at four facilities. The installed systems overlaid existing facility controls, and allowed for additional capabilities over our existing equipment."
Sara Neff
Senior Vice President for Sustainability, Kilroy Realty


Dan Cummings

"With so many pumps involved, capital costs were a concern. Funding from PG&E’s Automated Demand Response program allowed us to move the project forward and covered most of the equipment and installation costs."
Dan Cummings
Chief Executive Officer, Capay Farms

Learn more about the Capay Farms success (PDF)


Dean Butler

"PG&E’s Automated Demand Response incentive program made it possible to install automation equipment and major control system upgrades, which improved the flexibility of our operations."
Dean Butler
Electrical Engineer, Berrenda Mesa Water District

Still have questions?

For more information about how your business can benefit from our demand response programs, contact your PG&E account representative or visit Business customer service.

More savings programs

Electric Rule 24

Enroll in demand response programs offered by third-party demand response providers.