Demand response (DR) programs

Find the right program for your home or business

PG&E's demand response programs

PG&E's demand response programs are designed to enable customers to contribute to energy load reduction during times of peak demand.

  • Most PG&E demand response programs also offer financial incentives for load reduction during times of peak demand.


Contracted third-party demand response programs

Contracted third parties offer programs for customers to save or earn money by adjusting energy usage.

  • Participation also helps balance the electric grid without producing emissions.

Residential energy incentive programs

Participate in residential demand response programs

With one exception, you can only participate in one energy incentive, energy reducing, peak hour or direct bidding program at a time. You must unenroll from one to enroll in another.

  • Customers are allowed to be enrolled in both Power Saver Rewards and SmartRate.

To learn more about energy incentive programs offered by companies other than PG&E, visit third-party incentive programs for demand response.

PG&E residential and third-party demand response programs

Automated Response Technology

  • Smart technology in your home optimizes your energy use according to your rate and during times of very high grid demand.
  • Enroll via a third-party provider.
  • Providers may provide incentives, at their discretion.

Power Saver Rewards Program

  • Reduce your energy use to conserve energy on select hot summer days when demand for electricity is high.
  • Receive a credit on your bill after the program season for helping to keep California's grid reliable.
  • No special equipment needed.


  • A SmartAC switch remotely shifts some of your energy use out of the hours when it's most in demand.
  • For customers with an air conditioning unit.


Take control of your electric rate and help conserve California's power grid when needed most. SmartRate is risk free and backed by our Bill Protection guarantee.


By enrolling in WatterSaver, your electric water heater can automatically take advantage of lower electricity rates, so water is heated at the least expensive times of day. Plus, you can earn a $50 gift card enrollment bonus and an additional $5 gift card credit for every month you participate.

Business energy incentive programs

Participate in business demand response programs


Sign up for a PG&E program or select a program from another demand response provider. Note that some private companies contract with PG&E, while others are independent.

PG&E business demand response programs

Peak Day Pricing

  • Optional rate
  • Offers businesses a discount on regular summer electricity rates
  • In exchange, customers pay higher prices during Peak Day Pricing event days

Base Interruptible Program (BIP)

Are you a customer with an average maximum demand of at least 100 kW?

  • Earn a monthly incentive for reducing energy consumption to prescribed levels when called upon.

Capacity Bidding Program (CBP)

This aggregator-managed program operates with a Day-Ahead option and runs May 1 through October 31.

Third-party programs

Some private companies contract with PG&E. Visit each company’s website for details on their incentive programs.

Emergency Load Reduction Program (ELRP)

A seven-year pilot program that offers financial incentives for participating businesses to reduce their energy use during times of high grid stress and emergencies.

Optional Binding Mandatory Curtailment (OBMC) Plan

Can your business commit to reducing energy use by 15% on your entire circuit during every rotating outage?

  • You may be eligible for a rotating outage exemption.

Automated Demand Response

When you enroll in select energy incentive programs, you'll also be eligible for equipment rebates and added incentives through Automated Demand Response.

Electric Rule 24

Electric Rule 24 provides PG&E electricity customers the opportunity to enroll in demand response programs offered by third party demand response providers, including those listed above. 

Frequently asked questions

To learn about other ways to participate in demand response programs, visit the California Public Utilities Commission.

More energy savings programs

Energy Savings Assistance (ESA)

Qualified renters and homeowners can improve the comfort, health and safety of their homes with appliance upgrades and home repairs.

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