"PG&E" refers to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation. © 2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company. All rights reserved.
The 100 Report shows nominated and confirmed volumes by cycle. If a nomination was cut, the 100 Report will indicate the reason for the cut.
The 110 Report shows a single summary line combining all cycles, by Source ID, for nominations into PG&E at the time it was run. It also includes nominated and scheduled volumes.
Both reports can be e-mailed directly to the subscriber. Contacts who sign up will automatically receive their 100 report after each Confirm process and their 110 report after each Schedule process. 100/110 Reports will be e-mailed to the subscriber ten times a day: once after nominations have been confirmed and once after nominations have been scheduled, for each of the five cycles per gas day.
In order to maintain quick email delivery to all customers, it is necessary to limit the email distribution to one email address per company. Many customers have found it useful to set up a group distribution list for their company when more than one recipient is requested. This new notification will be in addition to the E-Cut Report, so customers are welcome to sign up for either or both notifications.
To sign up for this subscription service:
Send an e-mail to CGTServicesX@pge.com ask to be put on the 100/110 Report subscription list. Please include the following information:
- Customer Code
- Company Name
- E-mail (or group e-mail address)
- Phone Number
To unsubscribe:
If at any time you wish to discontinue this service, please send an e-mail to CGTServicesX@pge.com and ask to be removed from this subscription service.