"PG&E" refers to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation. © 2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Pipe Ranger E-XPRESS delivers e-mail messages from California Gas Transmission, as needed, regarding significant changes to gas tariffs, business processes, and regulatory issues. Pipe Ranger E-XPRESS is not an emergency notification system. All Pipe Ranger E-XPRESS messages are also published as news articles on the Pipe Ranger home page.
To subscribe to E-XPRESS:
- Send an e-mail to pipe-ranger-e-xpress-request@pge.com
- Enter Subscribe in the Subject line
- Leave the body of the e-mail blank
You will receive a confirmation e-mail that your request has been forwarded to the list administrator for review. Once a list administrator has approved your request, you will receive a "Welcome" confirmation e-mail that you have been added to the list.
List administrators will respond to list requests during normal business hours. If you do not receive an e-mail within a reasonable amount of time confirming that you have successfully subscribed to the Pipe Ranger E-XPRESS, please contact a CGT Account Manager.
To unsubscribe:
If at any time you wish to discontinue this service, please send an e-mail to pipe-ranger-e-xpress-request@pge.com with Unsubscribe in the Subject line of the e-mail. Leave the body of the e-mail blank.
You will receive a confirmation e-mail requiring your response. You must follow the instructions in the confirmation e-mail to confirm that you want to be removed from this list. Once you have confirmed you want to be removed from the list, you will receive a confirmation e-mail stating that you have been unsubscribed from the list.