"PG&E" refers to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation. © 2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company. All rights reserved.
E-mail Cut Reports are for those INSIDEtracc users placing nominations on PG&E's system, wanting to know how their nominations are looking after processing has been completed.
E-Mail Cut Reports will be e-mailed to the subscriber ten times a day: once after nominations have been confirmed and once after nominations have been scheduled, for each of the five cycles per gas day. If any of your nominations have been cut, the e-mail will show a line item identifying the specific nomination, the cut code and the cut volume. If none of your nominations have been cut, the e-mail will indicate that.
While only one e-mail address per company may be subscribed to this service, that e-mail can be a group e-mail accessed by multiple people. If you do not have a group e-mail in place, you may want to check with your company's IT department about creating a group e-mail that would be accessible to multiple employees at your company.
To subscribe to E-mail Cut Reports:
To sign up for this subscription service, send an e-mail to CGTServicesX@pge.com and ask to be put on the E-Mail Cut Report subscription list. Please include the following information:
- Customer Code
- Company Name
- E-mail (or group e-mail address)
- Phone Number
To unsubscribe:
If at any time you wish to discontinue this service, please send an e-mail to CGTServicesX@pge.com and ask to be removed from this subscription service.