Business energy efficiency rebates and incentives

Save money and energy with qualified products

Rebate catalog

Browse our catalog to find products that are eligible for a rebate.

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Programs by industry

Find energy-saving programs in your industry

PG&E third-party programs are designed to meet the unique needs of our diverse customer base. These programs offer a range of services to support customers in their energy-efficiency efforts.

More information on third-party programs

Frequently asked questions

Apply for a rebate.

Find the right contractor

PG&E’s Trade Professional Alliance is the place to find a qualified contractor to handle your energy efficiency project.

Other energy management resources for your business

Energy Efficiency Financing program

Replace old and worn-out equipment with 0% interest loans range from $5,000 to $4,000,000.

Demand response programs

To minimize strain on the electric grid, PG&E and other California utilities depend on customers to reduce their energy usage during heat waves and other emergency events. Financial incentives are available to customers who enroll in PG&E demand response programs.

Energy efficiency tips by equipment

Consider energy and money-saving tips for each piece of equipment in your facility.