Net Energy Metering (NEM) program

Learn more about the program


Net Energy Metering Aggregation (NEM2A)


Net Energy Metering Aggregation (NEM2A) allows a single customer with multiple meters on the same property, or on adjacent or contiguous properties, to use renewable generation (e.g. solar panels) to serve the aggregated load behind all eligible meters and receive the benefits of Net Energy Metering (NEM2). Criteria for NEM2A includes:

  • There is no maximum generator size; however, the system must be sized to the customer’s recent annual load.
  • Accounts have to be located on the same property as the renewable generator or on properties adjacent or contiguous to it.
  • All of the properties have to be solely owned, leased or rented by the same customer of record who is listed on the PG&E bill.
  • The same customer of record must be listed for each PG&E account.

Process and requirements

Access Net Energy Metering documentation and apply online


Solar, wind or hybrid renewable energy projects that are sized to 30 kilowatts (kW) or less require a Standard Net Energy Metering (NEM) Interconnection Agreement with PG&E. Our team can help ensure your project has a successful, safe and reliable interconnection to the grid.


Apply easily with our online interconnection tool


Our online tool can help you complete the latest documents that are required for interconnection. In addition, the tool can help you:

  • Get faster approval time.
  • Save time by auto-filling your information from the service agreement and meter ID input.
  • Perform a PG&E network capacity check.
  • View applicable rate schedule options and an approved equipment listing from drop-down menus.
  • Avoid submission errors with built-in validation.

Consumer Protection requirement

Explore the Solar Consumer Protection Guide with customer signature required for interconnection

Standard NEM Online Interconnection Application Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ). 

Interconnection Checklist – Standard NEM Web Portal

Get our readiness checklist. 

Greenbook Manual

Access our Greenbook.

Electric services handbooks

Access our electric services handbooks.

NEM 2 program

Access information about the NEM 2 program. 

Customer interconnection essentials

Are there any fees associated with interconnection?

Typically, no additional fees are required. However, in some cases, network upgrades may be necessary before you can install the system at your home or business. Your contractor will work with PG&E to determine if upgrades are required and inform you of any additional costs that may be incurred.


Know when to turn on your system

Never turn on the solar or renewable energy system before receiving the permission to operate (PTO) letter from PG&E.

We can guide you through selecting, connecting and monitoring your solar and renewable energy system. Visit Understand the Process.


Learn more interconnection essentials

Visit Understanding Net Energy Metering (NEM) and Your Bill


Safely interconnect

For safety and reliability reasons, all solar and renewable generators must connect to the PG&E energy grid. Connection requires an Interconnection Agreement.

Standard NEM interconnections

important notice Note: On December 15, 2022, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) issued a decision to modify the state's solar program. The new Solar Billing Plan will be in effect and impact only new solar customers that submit an application after April 14th, 2023.


Here are answers to frequently asked questions (PDF).


Connect your renewable energy system

Whether you're an experienced or beginner contractor, installer or property owner, we offer resources to help you interconnect a solar or renewable energy system to the PG&E energy grid. Use our PG&E Interconnection Portal to apply online today.


Visit PG&E Interconnection Portal


Benefits of using our online Interconnection tool include:

Use our tool to complete an application online. The automated tool offers these benefits:

  • Get faster approval time.
  • Save time by auto-filling customer information using the service agreement and meter ID input.
  • Perform a PG&E network capacity check.
  • View applicable rate schedule options and a list of approved equipment from drop-down lists.
  • Avoid submission errors with built-in validation.

important notice Note: The online Interconnection tool supports these browser versions:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 10 and higher
  • Google Chrome 39 and higher
  • Firefox 35 and higher
  • Mac Safari 6.1 and higher

important notice Note:
The website requires that you turn off Compatibility Mode in Internet Explorer. For instructions, refer to the following:


Apply for Standard NEM Interconnection

We created the following resources to help contractors apply for Standard NEM Interconnection, including key information about the application process:


Our resources and tips can help you save time on the Interconnection Application and the engineering review.


Install a renewable generating system (new contractors/installers)

If you're starting out as a solar contractor or are planning to install a renewable generating system on your own home or business, you must interconnect safely. The following resources provide important safety information, along with process steps and timeline considerations for contractors and self-installers:

Prepare for Interconnection and work with your contractor (customers)

When installing a solar or renewable energy system on your home and business, you must understand your part in the Interconnection process. To prepare for Interconnection, you can learn how to work with your contractor to complete the application forms, choose the best rate schedule and understand the system sizing. Get answers to the most commonly asked questions about the Interconnection process. Visit Customer Interconnection Essentials.


Inquiries regarding existing and new interconnection projects


Equal to or less than 30kW:
SNEM: email
SNEM-PS: email
SNEMA and SNEMPS-A: email


Greater than 30kW:
Contact your assigned EGI Account Representative or Interconnection Manager.
For concerns when applying for new interconnection projects, email


If you are dissatisfied with the efforts of PG&E to meet the timelines of the Fast Track Review and/or Detailed Study for a valid Interconnection Requests (Rule 21, Section F1.1.d.), contact the PG&E-appointed Rule 21 Ombudsman at 916-203-6459 or


To initiate an official dispute under Section K.2. of Rule 21, submit your request to and “cc” or send a copy to To participate in the Expedited Dispute Resolution Process under Section K.3., please refer to Expedited Interconnection Dispute Resolution ( If you have any questions, email


Discover PG&E Interconnection successes

No. 1
Utility with the most total installed solar megawatt (MW) capacity seven years in a row

More residential customers using solar than in any other region in the country

Number of PG&E customers with solar installed

1700+ Megawatts
Total solar power installed in PG&E homes and businesses

More resources for interconnection

Wholesale electric power procurement

PG&E purchases wholesale electric energy and capacity from generators and suppliers.

Register as a supplier

Register your supplier profile and learn how to become a certified supplier. PG&E buyers can contact you with bid or contract opportunities. 

Contact us

For questions about the interconnection process, call our Solar Customer Service Center at 1-877-743-4112.