Understand your bill

Answers to common questions about your bill

Understanding your bill

Find out what impacts your bill with this breakdown. Learn how you can manage your monthly bill and save energy.

Your bill contains

  • Monthly energy charges
  • At-a-glance account data
  • Your account number
  • Statement date (top of page every page)
  • Due date (top of page every page)
  • Account summary
    • Your payments and charges are printed in large font.
  • Usage graphs
    • A monthly billing history graph charts your daily energy usage.
  • Bill inserts
    • Details on rebates
    • Energy-saving tips
    • Gas and electric safety information
    • If you don't receive a paper bill, go to bill inserts online.

How to read your bill

Manage your bill

Explore bill management

Compare your bills

Understand the differences in your electric and gas bill amounts from month to month.


Compare your bills now

Predict your next bill total

We can use your bill history and current usage to forecast your current bill total. 


Forecast my energy bill

Request translated energy bills

To receive your PG&E bill in Chinese (Cantonese or Mandarin) or Spanish:

  1. Sign into your online account.
  2. Scroll down to "Language" box.
  3. Choose your preferred language.
  4. Click "Save Changes."

Learn about the California Climate Credit

This credit is part of a state program to cut carbon pollution while also reducing your energy costs.


Visit the California Climate Credit

Compare your bill and view energy usage

Understand your home or business energy use by comparing your bill history.

Create an account to view information online, manage energy use and more.

How rates are set

Rates are set through a transparent process with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). The public can attend hearings and provide comments.


1. Application is submitted


2. Public hearings and comment

3. Proposal may be modified

4. Proposed decision issued by Administrative Law Judge(s)

5. Final decision approved by CPUC Commissioners


6. Rate change goes into effect

Rates are set through a transparent process with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). The public can attend hearings and provide comments.


1. Application is submitted


2. Public hearings and comment

3. Proposal may be modified

4. Proposed decision issued by Administrative Law Judge(s)

5. Final decision approved by CPUC Commissioners


6. Rate change goes into effect

Our rate filings enable us to continue making crucial investments in the grid to meet our customers energy needs.

Frequently asked questions

Frequently used words

The following key words and definitions may appear on your PG&E energy statement.

Get to know your rate

Electric Time-of-Use


  • Bill protection credit or savings
  • Sample Time-of-Use statements

Net Energy Metering bill

Get to know Net Energy Metering statements and the 12-month billing cycle.

Solar bill

How solar billing works for residential and business customers.

Sub-metered tenant and landlord

Find out how sub-metering works. Learn who you should contact for support.

Get an email when your bill is ready

Fast, easy and secure billing information straight to your inbox.

More about your bill

Rate plan options

Electric rates can vary depending on:

  • Your climate
  • Your energy usage
  • Other factors 

Energy alerts

  • No one likes surprises when it comes to their energy bills.
  • Get an alert before you break your budget.

Still have questions about your energy bill?