Electric reliability reports

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Webinar gives customers the opportunity to hear about pacific gas and electric company’s system-wide and local reliability

Webinar Information Details


PG&E will host its annual Electric Reliability Town Hall to provide customers with insight into the company’s reliability performance in 2023. The session will explain how PG&E measures reliability, what causes outages, the process  for restoring outages and more information from PG&E’s 2023 Annual Electric Reliability Report, released earlier this year. Customers will be able to ask questions as part of the virtual event.


11 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 13, 2024


Tom Huynh, Sr. Manager, Electric Distribution Reliability, PG&E
Matt Nauman, Director, Operations Communications, PG&E


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PG&E is proud to be your utility company. As your energy provider, we're responsible for providing you with safe, reliable power. To measure our reliability, we constantly track and monitor outages across our service area. Then, we calculate our reliability rates based on this data. 


PG&E Electric Reliability Annual Report and Virtual Town Hall

Each year, we compile a report that reviews our electric reliability status with both a system-wide and division-level perspective. The report is submitted to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and is available to the public. The report on 2022 electric reliability was submitted in 2023.


Here are some helpful links:



Understand how we measure reliability


We apply four metrics typically used in the electric utility industry:


  • System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI). This index is based on the amount of time the average PG&E customer experiences a sustained outage (being without power for more than five minutes) in a given year. In 2023, the PG&E SAIDI was about 255.9 minutes per customer.
  • System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI). This metric represents the number of times the average PG&E customer experiences a sustained outage in a given year. In 2023, the PG&E SAIFI was about 1.558, or slightly more than one per customer.
  • Customer Average Interruption Duration Index (CAIDI). This index represents the average restoration time when customers are impacted by a sustained outage. It is determined by dividing SAIDI by SAIFI. In 2023, the PG&E CAIDI was 164.3 minutes.
  • Momentary Average Interruption Frequency Index (MAIFI). This index is based on the number of times the average customer is interrupted by Momentary Outage events each year. Momentary Outage events are outages that last 5 minutes or less. In 2023, the PG&E MAIFI was 1.220 per customer.


Mesure reliability


SAIDI and SAIFI performance results


Along with electric reliability indices such as SAIDI, SAIFI, MAIFI and CAIDI, we track performance from year-to-year.


SAIDI performance results


SAIDI performance results


SAIFI performance results


SAIFI performance results


2023 Basic Cause - By Number of Sustained Outages


Outage type


Access our reliability reports


All reports are available from the CPUC website by clicking the following link:


Visit the CPUC website


PG&E service territory


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Additional resources

Discover the SmartMeter™ Program

Learn about SmartMeter™ technology. The program makes new rates possible to save you money and build an energy-efficient future.

Understand our SmartMeter™ pricing plans

Learn about our pricing plans enabled by SmartMeter™ technology.

Discover how the Smart Grid and SmartMeter™ work together

Learn how the Smart Grid and SmartMeter™ are working together to power a brighter future.