Enhanced Powerline Safety Settings

A tool to keep you safe

Find out if your home or business is served by an Enhanced Powerline Safety Settings (EPSS)-capable line.

emergency alert  If you smell natural gas or suspect an emergency, leave the area now and call 9-1-1. 

emergency alert  If you see downed powerlines, stay away. Don’t exit your car or home. Call 9-1-1. Then call PG&E at 1-800-743-5000.

How EPSS works

EPSS are advanced safety settings.


They allow our powerlines to automatically turn off power within one-tenth of a second. This can happen when there’s a hazard, like a tree branch falling into a powerline, which can cause a fire. These settings are in high fire-risk and surrounding areas.

“EPSS reduces wildfire risk. In 2022, there was a 68% reduction in ignitions on EPSS-enabled powerlines.” *

* CPUC-reportable ignitions in High Fire-Threat Districts on distribution powerlines (compared to the weather-normalized 2018-2020 average).

How we test advanced safety settings

Find out how we're working to solve tomorrow's problems before they happen.

Enhanced Powerline Safety Settings

Learn about the advanced safety settings in high fire-risk and surrounding areas.

By stopping ignitions, we help prevent wildfires from starting and spreading.


If ignitions occur, the size of fires are much smaller due to EPSS. In 2022, there was a 99% decrease in acres impacted by ignitions.* This decrease occurred despite dry conditions.

*As measured by fire size from electric distribution equipment (compared to the 2018-2020 average).

What to expect

These safety settings will be enabled when there is an increased wildfire risk


This is most likely from May to November, but wildfire risk can exist year-round in some areas.


If weather conditions don’t meet the need for EPSS, settings are turned off. This helps to prevent unnecessary outages.


EPSS helps keep you safer, but you may experience unplanned power outages. Many things can cause an unplanned outage. This includes hazards like a branch or animal hitting a powerline. Hazards could cause an outage on any powerline, including those without EPSS. Lines with EPSS help prevent wildfires by turning off power faster.


We do not expect these settings to impact customer bills.

Customer support

Customer support to reduce the impact of outages


We know it's hard to lose power. That’s why we’re working hard to provide support and reduce the impact of outages. We have resources and tools available to help you.

Portable Battery Program

Find out if you qualify for a portable battery. 

Generator and Battery Rebate Program

Get a backup power rebate. 

Backup Power Transfer Meter Program

Connect a generator to your house through this free offer. 

Outage notifications

Ensure you get outage alerts. 

Our commitment to your safety

Additional resources

Report non-emergency safety concerns through our mobile app.

Outage preparedness guides

Enhanced Powerline Safety Settings Fact Sheet

How we're adjusting the sensitivity on some equipment to automatically - and quickly - turn off power if the system detects a problem.

155 KB

Non-residential outage preparedness guide

Safety information for business and property owners

887 KB

Residential outage preparedness guide

Information to keep you and your community safe.

885 KB

More information on outages and safety


At PG&E, nothing is more important than safety.

Outage preparedness and support

Stay prepared for power outages and get support.

Community Wildfire Safety Program (CWSP)

Find out how we are making our system safer and more reliable.