SmartAC™ program

SmartAC is a voluntary program that helps prevent power interruptions


Thousands of air conditioners running at once can put a strain on the grid, which can make it difficult and expensive to get power to everyone who needs it.


As a member of the SmartAC program, you'll help us make the grid more reliable for everyone by shifting some of your energy use out of the hours when it is most in demand. Together, we can work to prevent power interruptions while keeping you comfortable.


important notice Note: The SmartAC thermostats program has evolved.If you were participating in SmartAC thermostats, you are now eligible for the Automated Response Technology program. The program works the same way, but you can participate with more smart technologies. Learn more about Automated Response Technology.


There is no change to the SmartAC switches program.

SmartAC switches


  • Hot summer days: May 1 through October 31
  • Events may last as long as 6 hours, but are typically only 2 or 3 hours
  • Most customers do not notice when their SmartAC switch is active
  • You can opt out of any Event Day

important notice Important: SmartAC switches are currently closed to new enrollments.

SmartAC is free and automated. On hot summer days, energy demand increases because thousands of customers are using their air conditioning units. PG&E may remotely activate SmartAC switches on those days in order to help maintain adequate power supplies and avoid power interruptions.


To opt out of a SmartAC event for the day, call 1-866-908-4916.


Watch SmartAC switch video


SmartAC switch eligibility


  • You must be a PG&E electricity customer
  • You must have a central air conditioning unit or heat pump in suitable operating condition. Homes with window units, wall units or evaporative coolers do not qualify
  • Your single-stage central AC units must generally operate during PG&E summer peak periods (approximately 5-8 p.m.)
  • You must be the homeowner or have the homeowner's written permission to participate in SmartAC. If you are a renter, you must have your homeowner or property manager's permission to install SmartAC. Download the owner permission form (PDF).
  • You must not be on PG&E's Medical Baseline program, or be a participant on another energy incentive program.


Our authorized contractor


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The SmartAC program authorized contractor is Franklin Energy. A technician may contact you to help complete your enrollment, provide support and more.

Learn about SmartAC switches 

SmartAC switch FAQ and terms and conditions

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