Pre-employment testing program

Tests to help ensure safe and successful hires


Pre-employment tests are required for a wide variety of jobs at Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E). Depending on the job, these may include tests of:

  • General ability
  • Job-specific skills
  • Job knowledge, or
  • Work-related attitudes/behaviors 

These tests fairly and efficiently evaluate job seekers and applicants. They help to ensure those hired are likely to be successful and safe on the job. Tests used at PG&E are developed and validated based on rigorous legal and professional standards of test validation.



Prerequisite Tests


If you are selected to move forward in the hiring process, you may be invited to take one or more of these tests online.


  • Physical Test Battery (PTB)
  • Industrial Skills Test (IST)
  • Clerical Test Battery (CTB)
  • Work Orientation Inventory (WOI)


If you are invited to take these tests online, keep the following in mind:


  • You will receive an email the Monday morning of the scheduled test date with the test instructions, link to the test and your test key (a series of numbers and letters).
  • You will have 5 calendar days to take the test upon receiving this email
    • The test key will expire in 5 calendar days and cannot be extended.
  • Complete the test as soon as possible in case you encounter technical difficulties.
  • If you have technical difficulties, contact the vendor’s Technical Support right away.
  • You are only permitted to have scratch paper and pencil/pen during the online test.
  • If you receive duplicate invites to the same test, only take the test one time.


Secondary Tests


  • Many jobs require applicants to pass both a prerequisite test plus an additional test called a ‘secondary test’.
  • For external applicants, if your application is being moved forward in the hiring process, you will receive an email from the Recruiter to invite you to take the secondary test.


For current employees only

Current employees cannot enroll in a secondary test through My Learning.

  • If you meet all other testing requirements, you can apply to an unrestricted (URA) position.
  • If your application is being moved forward in the hiring process, you will receive an email from the Recruiter to invite you to take the secondary test.

If you have a job bid, send a test request to with "Name of Test" in the subject line (e.g. ETT). Include your personnel number, bid code and test location preference.

  • For general testing questions, e-mail with your personnel number or last 4 of your SSN in your correspondence.

General test preparation resource guide

Download PG&E's pre-employment test taking guide for strategies on logic and reasoning, reading comprehension, math problem solving and more.

Other test preparation guides

More information for job seekers

Set job alert

Sign up to receive an email when new jobs are posted.

Contact us

For general testing questions, email with your Personnel Number or last 4 of your SSN noted.