Energy alerts

Set alerts to manage energy usage and avoid high bills

Sign up for and manage Bill Forecast or SmartDay™ alerts.

Control costs with energy alerts

Choose from two alerts. If your energy use triggers an alert, you'll have time to make changes to your energy use before you receive your next bill.

Bill Forecast Alert

An alert is sent when the amount due on your monthly bill is projected to go over an amount you specify.


Note: Net Energy Metering and Direct Access customers are not eligible to enroll at this time.

SmartDay™ alerts

On the SmartRate plan, you pay a reduced rate in exchange for using less electricity on as many as 15 days a year. 

Understand energy alerts

Find answers to common questions about energy alerts.

Update your contact information

Keep your information current so you don't miss your alerts. Stay up to date with information that could impact your home or business.

More about alerts

Alerts FAQ

Get answers to common questions about alerts. PG&E may update the alerts FAQ at any time.

Save energy and money year round

Find out what you can do to save energy before your next bill if you receive an alert.

More questions?

Get more information about alerts from the PG&E Help Center.