SmartRate frequently asked questions
Discover how the SmartRate program works and how you can save.
Quick question? Find answers in the Help Center.
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Looking for ways to manage your summer energy bill?
When you're on the SmartRate program, you pay a reduced rate in exchange for minimizing your electricity usage up to 15 days a year. Lower your usage and help conserve California’s energy resources.
SmartRate is voluntary and you can cancel at any time. SmartRate is also risk-free and backed by our Bill Protection guarantee. Read more in our FAQs below.
Find out if SmartRate is right for you
Discover how the SmartRate program works and how you can save.
Quick question? Find answers in the Help Center.
What is SmartRate?
SmartRate is a program that helps you manage your summer electricity costs and conserve California’s power grid.
When you're on the SmartRate program, you pay a reduced electric rate within a bill period in exchange for shifting or reducing your electricity usage when SmartDays are called.
SmartRate is a voluntary rate supplement that sits on top of your base electric rate plan. You can cancel at any time.
On SmartDays, electric rates are higher from 4-9 p.m. A minimum of nine and a maximum of fifteen SmartDays may be called per year.
To see if SmartRate is right for you, review your rate plan options or use the electric rate plan comparison tool.
What are SmartDays?
How can I plan for SmartDays?
How will I notified of SmartDays?
SmartRate is risk-free for the first full summer (May through October) and any preceding partial summer, and is backed by our Bill Protection guarantee. If the total SmartRate costs are more than your regular residential pricing plan, PG&E credits the difference on your November electricity bill. You'll receive two notifications before your Bill Protection ends.
If you opt out of SmartRate during the initial bill protection period, you will receive bill protection up to the date you terminate your participation.
The SmartDay event dates will be reflected on your bill, and will outline the credits earned or additional charges incurred during that billing statement.
If SmartRate is not for you, call PG&E at 1-866-743-0263 to opt out at any time.
For those on a Time-Of-Use rate plan, please refer to your peak and off-peak times of day as additional hours may be required to maximize savings when SmartDays are called.
Visit Time-of-Use rate plan
I'm enrolled in SmartRate. What happens if I join SmartAC?
If you are a participant on SmartRate, you cannot join SmartAC. If you were already participating in both SmartRate and SmartAC prior to October 26, 2018, you may continue to do so.
What are the differences between SmartAC event days and SmartDays?
What are the similarities between SmartAC event days and SmartDays?
I’m enrolled in SmartRate. What happens if I join the Power Saver Rewards Program?
If you are a participant on SmartRate, you can also participate in Power Saver Rewards. Some PG&E customers are automatically enrolled in the Power Saver Rewards Program by order of the California Public Utilities Commission, decision D.21-12-015. They include:
For more information on the Power Saver Rewards Program or to verify enrollment, please visit Power Saver Rewards.
What are the eligibility requirements?
Under Rule 24, customers are not eligible to participate in a PG&E demand response program (DRP) and a third-party DRP program during the same period.*
Please note that certain Demand Response Programs such as SmartRate are unavailable to customers who receive their energy from third-party energy providers, such as Energy Service Providers and Community Choice Aggregators.
Customers taking service through a residential master metered rate, in conjunction with a net metering or standby rate schedule, or as a Transitional Bundled Service customer under electric Rule 22.1, electric vehicle rates, are not eligible to participate in the SmartRate program.
Solar Billing Plan (NBT) customers are eligible to enroll in SmartRate as of November 2024. Enrollment must be done by calling the SmartRate Call Center at 1-866-743-0263. Online enrollment through your PG&E account is not available at this time.
Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) customers can enroll in SmartRate to meet the program’s Demand Response participation requirement. SGIP customers must meet the enrollment eligibility requirements for SmartRate in order to enroll.
The CPUC's Decision [D18-11-029] prohibits customer enrollment in multiple energy incentive, energy reducing, peak hour or direct bidding programs. You may join SmartAC instead of, but not in addition to SmartRate. If you were already participating in both programs prior to October 26th, 2018, you may continue to do so. Learn more about Rule 24.
Certain rate plans, energy providers and/or program participation status may affect your enrollment in the SmartRate program.
Is a SmartMeter™ required and when would SmartRate become active?
You must have a SmartMeter™ to participate in SmartRate. Upon your request to participate, and verification of eligibility by PG&E, you will be placed on SmartRate on the first day of the next billing cycle where the bill cycle start date is at least five business days after your request. If your request is received within five business days of your next billing cycle, you will be placed on SmartRate in the following billing cycle.
Participants will be charged $0.60/kWh in addition to their regular rate charges for all usage between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. on each SmartDay. A minimum of nine and maximum of 15 SmartDays may be called in any calendar year. By voluntarily remaining on the plan beyond the bill protection period, you are accepting that you will pay a higher rate between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. on SmartDays and your bill may be higher than your regular rate plan.
Participants will receive a SmartRate Non-High Price credit ($0.00636/kWh and a SmartRate Participation Credit ($0.00167/kWh)) for usage other than 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. during SmartDay and all usage on those days within a bill period that are not declared as SmartDays. These credits are only applicable for bill periods in which at least one SmartDay occurs. The SmartRate Participation and Program credits are multiplied by the number of SmartDays in a bill period.
The forecast averages the temperatures in PG&E's territory. It shows the chances of a SmartDay Event. The trigger temperature is currently set at 98°.
Review the SmartRate tips below to learn how to practice many of the great energy savings efforts for a SmartDay.
Contact us
Call 1-866-743-0263 for more information.
March 28
Event Unlikely
March 29
Event Unlikely
March 30
Event Unlikely
March 31
Event Unlikely
April 1
Event Unlikely
PG&E calls SmartDays on especially hot days when the demand for electricity can reach an extreme level.
*An Event Day for June 17, 2021 was cancelled. No event charges were applied. The cancelled event will count towards the 15 Event Day per year limit.
Discover simple ways to use less electricity
Small changes in your routine, such as shifting power-hungry activities to the morning or evening can help ease the load on California's power grid. Knowing what to do on a SmartDay is the easiest way to save money on the SmartRate.
Ways to reduce your electricity consumption on SmartDays and other days of the year:
To learn more about SmartRate, download our SmartRate Welcome brochure (PDF) for program information and a list of ways you can reduce your electricity usage.
Update how you're notified of SmartDay events
If you're enrolled in the SmartRate program, you can change how PG&E notifies you of SmartDays. You can receive up to four courtesy notifications to help everyone in your household shift or reduce energy use between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. on SmartDays.
Select email and/or text message
It's easy to change how you want us to communicate with you and up to three other people. You can update your preferences by logging into your online PG&E account or filling out the online form below.
The Tiered Rate Plan (E-1) has two pricing levels, known as “tiers,” which are based on how much energy you use.
Energy used within the Baseline Allowance will be billed at the lowest price. If you pass your Allowance in a given billing cycle, the price will go up.
Learn typical energy-related terms to help you better understand your energy statement.
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©2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company