What is AMP?
The Arrearage Management Plan (AMP) is a debt forgiveness plan for eligible residential customers.
If you are enrolled in CARE or FERA, you may be eligible for up to $8,000 in debt forgiveness through AMP (Arrearage Management Plan).
Who is eligible for AMP?
Residential customers who:
- Are enrolled in California Alternative Rates for Energy (CARE) or Family Electric Rate Assistance Program (FERA).
- Owe at least $500 or more on their gas and electric bill OR (for gas-only customers) owe at least $250 or more on their gas bill.
- Are more than 90 days past due.
- Have been a PG&E customer for at least six consecutive months.
- Have made at least one on-time payment, within the past 24 months.
Note: Net energy metering (NEM), master-metered customers and master-metered customers with sub-metered tenants are currently not eligible to participate in AMP.
How to enroll in AMP
Apply for AMP online
Step 1: Log in to your PG&E account online to find out if you qualify
Step 2: If you are eligible, select "See how to enroll"
Step 3: AMP eligible customers can apply online through our automated enrollment service
Step 4: Once approved, you will receive a customer notification confirming your enrollment
Apply for AMP by calling
Step 1: Call us at 1-877-660-6789. Our automated service will inform you if you are eligible for the Arrearage Management Plan (AMP).
Step 2: Eligible customers can apply by phone through our automated enrollment service OR be transferred to a Customer Service Representative (CSR) to walk you through our program and application process.
Step 3: Once approved, you will receive a customer notification confirming your enrollment.
More longer-term financial assistance programs
California Alternate Rates for Energy Program (CARE)
Get a monthly discount on your energy statement.
Family Electric Rate Assistance Program (FERA)
Get a monthly discount on your electric bill, If you live in a household of three or more people.
Medical Baseline Program
Help for residential customers who depend on power for certain medical needs.