Arrearage Management Plan (AMP)

Find out how AMP can help

Log in to find out if you're eligible and apply for AMP online.


What is AMP?


The Arrearage Management Plan (AMP) is a debt forgiveness plan for eligible residential customers.


If you are enrolled in CARE or FERA, you may be eligible for up to $8,000 in debt forgiveness through AMP (Arrearage Management Plan).

Learn how AMP can help

See how the Arrearage Management Plan (AMP) can help.

Who is eligible for AMP?

Residential customers who:



important notice Note: Net energy metering (NEM), master-metered customers and master-metered customers with sub-metered tenants are currently not eligible to participate in AMP.


How to enroll in AMP


Apply for AMP online

Step 1: Log in to your PG&E account online to find out if you qualify

Step 2: If you are eligible, select "See how to enroll"

Step 3: AMP eligible customers can apply online through our automated enrollment service

Step 4: Once approved, you will receive a customer notification confirming your enrollment


Apply for AMP by calling

Step 1: Call us at 1-877-660-6789. Our automated service will inform you if you are eligible for the Arrearage Management Plan (AMP).

Step 2: Eligible customers can apply by phone through our automated enrollment service OR be transferred to a Customer Service Representative (CSR) to walk you through our program and application process.

Step 3: Once approved, you will receive a customer notification confirming your enrollment.

Frequently asked questions about AMP

More longer-term financial assistance programs

California Alternate Rates for Energy Program (CARE)

Get a monthly discount on your energy statement.

Family Electric Rate Assistance Program (FERA)

Get a monthly discount on your electric bill, If you live in a household of three or more people.

Medical Baseline Program

Help for residential customers who depend on power for certain medical needs.