Seismic safety at Diablo Canyon

Learn about PG&E and DCPP programs for seismic and tsunami safety

Exploring Studies from the Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee

The Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee conducts a variety of seismic studies on the area surrounding the Diablo Canyon Power Plant. Discover some of the findings.


Characterizing Seismic Sources

To learn about seismic source characterization by the Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee, you can explore the committee's:

Characterizing Ground Motion for the Southwestern U.S. (SWUS)

PG&E and the Arizona Public Service sponsor the Southwestern U.S. Ground Motion Characterization project. Details from this program include:

Understanding the 3-D Velocity Model and Site Response for the DCPP

View the reports and data for the updated study from May 2015. The sources include:


View the reports and data for the updated study from November 2015. The sources include:

Seismic Hazard Re-evaluation Report

Read the report known as Diablo Canyon Power Plant Screening, Prioritization and Implementation Details (SPID), or the Seismic Hazard Re-evaluation report. The entire report is available for download.

Download Seismic Hazard Re-evaluation Report (ZIP, 51.2 MB)

Discover the report created by the CCCSIP

Download the reference files

  • Download Stratigraphic Framework for Assessment of Fault Activity Offshore of the Central California Coast Between Point San Simeon and Point Sal (PDF, 18.5 MB)

Find additional seismic report data

Access other seismic reports created by the SSHAC. Visit SSHAC* Studies for DCPP Seismic Hazard Update.
Visit the following external websites to view the data used to create the report:

  • The NAMSS website has the marine data. The data is in the Pacific Gas and Electric Company section. The Offshore Pt. Buchon 2D data set can be directly downloaded from the website. These are large files and may take time to download. The size of the files is roughly 4GB. Because of the files’ size, the 3D data sets are available upon request from the agency. Please follow the instructions on the NAMSS page to request the data sets. Visit USGS National Archive of Marine Seismic Surveys (NAMSS).
  • You can also obtain the land data. The report number is 14-027. Visit View Assembled/Active Source Datasets Inventory. You can access the report directly. Visit Index of /data/reports/2014/14-027. The page contains a “readme” file. This file describes the various data sets and the Onshore 2D-3D Data Processing Report. Because of the files’ size, the 3D data sets are available upon request from the agency. Use the Assembled Data Request form. Visit Assembled Data Request.