Note: If your language is not included in the selector above, call 1-877-660-6789 for assistance in 250+ other languages.
- Information in your preferred language
- Braille, large print and audio resources
Information in your preferred language
Non-English preparedness resources
Additional emergency information can be found at PG&E's Outage Center. Topics include:
- Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) details
- Earthquake safety
- Electric safety
- Gas safety
To view the PG&E’s Outage Center in your preferred language, choose your language from the drop-down menu at the top right of your screen.
Public Safety Power Shutoff in-language information
To help keep customers and communities safe, we provide additional assistance during PSPS outages. When a PSPS is announced, our website will provide information on the following:
- Power shutoff and restoration estimates for your address
- Maps showing affected areas
- Community Resource Centers offering ADA-accessible restrooms, Wi-Fi, device charging and other services
This information will be available in English, Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Hindi, Hmong, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Thai and Vietnamese.
Public Safety Power Shutoff communications
If you’re a PG&E account holder and we expect your address to be impacted by a PSPS
We will send you automated call, texts and emails. This will begin two days before the outage (if possible) and each day until power is restored.
To update your language preference, use our step-by-step guide (PDF).
If you aren’t a PG&E account holder
Sign up for address alerts. These alerts provide information about any address that’s important to you. These notifications are available in multiple languages. You don’t need to have a PG&E account to receive these alerts.
More on power outages
Community Wildfire Safety Program (CWSP)
Find out how we are making our system safer and more reliable.
Food, lodging and transportation
Find support during a PSPS. This could include hotel stays, meals or accessible rides.
County-specific resources
Find information about services in your county, like local food banks or Meals on Wheels.